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                             (Y/n)'s POV
I fell to one knee as the memory ended. Is that how it happened? Some man took everything away from me? My home, my parents? Tears flooded my vision. That woman. Freya. She erased my memories. She sent me here. She saved my life at the cost of hers. "And now you know, boy." Thamür's voice spoke again. "15 years....FOR 15 YEARS I'VE NEEN DAMMNED HERE! WHY NOT LET ME DIE WITH MY PEOPLE!?" I panted trying to keep my anger under control. "WHY LET ME SUFFER!?"

The memories all came rushing back. It was too much to handle. I looked up to the sky, my (E/c) eyes shining with tears that threatened to fall. "(Y/n). Please wake up. I need my best friend." That voice. It was Kara. How could I hear her? "That woman must care for you a great deal. Who is she to you?" I smiled fondly. "She's my best friend. Whom I'm in love with."

I admitted with a flushed face. " human?" He asked. "No, she's Kryptonian. From Krypton. Do you happen to know of her people?" I felt a surge of emotion. What was that. Was I feeling what Thamür felt? "A Kryptonian, you say? Boy, this is great news! You've found your sworn!" What did he mean by...sworn? "My what now?"

He sighed. "Tell me, have you ever had any instances where you've felt protective over her?" I nodded. "Yes, my body felt wired. I didn't want anyone to touch her. I was combatting myself. One half wanted to give up while the other half wanted to obliterate anything that tried to harm her. Why was that?" He laughed a hearty laugh. "That is because you are bound to her by space and time. You have a deep sense to protect her. To love her. To please her. Anything she asks of you, you will wish to fulfill. Does this sound familiar?"

I smiled so hard, it hurt. "Very." I still had one prominent question. "Why is it that I'm feeling what you feel? Is it because I'm in my mindscape with you?" I felt a gust of wind. "Yes and no. We are tied together in a sense, but it is mostly because you are attuned." There was that word again. "What do you mean by that?You've mentioned it before."

The wind ceased. "It means that you can sense the emotions of those around you. Sometimes by will and others by chance. It may even depend on how strongly the emotion is felt." So this was one of my powers? " I have any other abilities? That I don't know of, that is?" He laughed again. "Many. All of which you will uncover bit by bit." Well that was no help. "Can I...wake up now? I want to see Kara." He hummed in thought. "Very will. I will...stay in the humans say."

Supergirl x M!Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now