Laser Light Enthusiast

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Kara's POV
As I watched the ice dome close, I broke into an all-out panic. I heard the explosion from outside of it. "(Y/N)! Please respond if you can hear me! (Y/N)!" I flew around the orb, and saw no signs of (Y/n) being conscious or otherwise. I thought about melting it, but if (Y/n)'s alive there's no way the other guy didn't make it out too. 'What do I do?' I lowered myself and then collapsed to the ground ungracefully. I'm too exhausted to fight if that jerk is still alive. And I don't think I'd fare too well without (Y/n) to help or back me up. Not like this.

My head snapped to attention, as I heard the ice start to crack. I took a few steps back. "Holy..." I could only stare in awe as (Y/n) pushed his way through the ice and stumbled forward. "K...Kara?" He tripped on his own foot, and I rushed forward to catch him. His glow was slowly subsiding. "We did it. We killed that fat bastard." I laughed a bit at this. "We really need a team name." His body shook a little, in what I hope was laughter. He pulled back as he started to cough. I held him steady to keep him from swaying. I could feel his labored breathing. "Are you alright?" He shook his head. ", somethings wrong. I just don't know what it is."

I moved my hands from his shoulders to the sides of his face. "(Y/n)...?" His eyes pupils narrowed as he focused on me, only for his gaze to become unfocused. "It feels like...I'm spilt it two. I've never let my anger get the best of me like that." I smiled to try to help, to reassure him. "It's alright. It happens." He shook his head insistently. "No, Kara, I called you 'The Kryptonian' when I know full well you have a name. Something's very, very, wrong." His gaze focused again, then unfocused. And then he passed out and slumped into my arms.

I tapped my ear piece. "Alex, we need immediate evac. Make sure there's a medical team on board, (Y/n)'s gonna need some medical attention." I was in no condition to fly us back, and I was so exhausted, I couldn't even keep my eyes open. What kept me from falling asleep was the fear that the escapee might have still been alive and just playing dead. Thankfully not too long later and a helicopter appeared above. My senses were so frazzled, I didn't even hear it approach from a distance. The blades were rude enough to assault my hair and blow it all over my face and such. "C'mon, Supergirl. Let's get you and your friend out here." I didn't want to let go of (Y/n), but it kinda dawned on me that I would need to let him go if we were to be treated properly.

The feeling of the helicopter swaying made me feel queasy. "Hrrk!" I guess you could say I have an 'iron stomach'. Well, not in this case. "Oh, shit!" "GROSS, GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" "Are those....potstickers?" Yeah, definitely not one of my best moments. Bite me. "Open the DOOR! Let it...I don't know, fly out or something! It REEKS!" These guards were loud. And funny. "But if we open the door, won't the passengers fall out." Fair point. Don't open the door. "This won't be a problem if we had strapped them in."

15 minutes later and we're being rolled into the DEO. "Supergirl! What happened? We heard yelling then nothing from (Y/n)'s ear piece." Everything was moving so fast. I felt dizzy and...disoriented. "There was laser lights, and big balls of was so cooool." Alex spared me a concerned look and gave me a pat on my shoulder. "Yeah, okay, Kar. I'll talk to (Y/n) once he wakes up." I put my arms up as I was getting wheeled around. "Wheeee! Ow.." It huts to raise my arms. Those things...called...muscles? Yeah, those were sore. "And here we are, Miss. Supergirl." She wheeled me into the room I was to be treated in and set a few things up. A warm light rolled over me. It kinda felt like...the sun. Thaaank you. I appreciate this...kiiind gesture. A good day to youuuu." She giggled and saw herself out, leaving me alone.

In hindsight, leaving me alone in the state I was was a tragic mistake. Why? Because I was left to my own devices, of course. 'Good thing my muscles are sore. I'd be all over the place right about now.' The door opens suddenly and I almost broke my neck to see who it was. "Oh, Director Henshaw. Nice of you to drop by." He looked up from whatever device he had in hand  and furrowed his eyebrows. "What's that pout for? Are you hungry or something?" I turned my head away from him. Though, it didn't have much of an effect, seeing as he just walked to the other side of the bed. I huffed out an exasperated breath.

"When the evac team came to pick (Y/n) and I up, I...didn't want to separate from him. But I ultimately let go because we both needed treatment of some sort." He turned his finger and looked at me expectantly, trying to gauge where this was going. "But it turns out, my selfless act was all for naught! They just strapped us to the floor and complained the whole way here! Why put medically capable people on the helicopter, if you're just gonna stand there!" He put his finger on his chin, contemplating. "What were they complaining about, exactly?" I felt the blood drain from my face. I was hoping he wouldn't ask for that specific detail. "I threw up. I was already kinda dizzy, and the swaying of the helicopter didn't help."

He nodded resolutely. "I see. Would you like for both you and (Y/n) to be placed in the same room? I might be able to arrange that." I nodded vigorously. Just then, the door burst open, and both Henshaw and I looked to see who it was. "Sir, we have a problem. It's (Y/n). Something's...wrong." Huh? Wrong? It's that what (Y/n) said before he checked out? "I'll be back you stay here. I'll only be a moment." I was forced to just sit back and literally twiddle my thumbs.

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