Right Hand Man

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                             Hank's POV
I let the agent that came to retrieve me lead me to (Y/n)'s room. "So, you said something was wrong? Are you going to debrief me, give me details, or did you want it to be a surprise?" The agent casted a glance back at me. "I would, sir, but that's just it. I don't know what this is myself." Now I was beginning to get concerned. "Is (Y/n) alright? Is he hurt?" She shook her head 'no'. "There's no physical damage. Not to the naked eye, anyway. He's just...acting odd? Agent Danvers conversed with him for a short while before storming out of the room. When I went it to tend after him and make sure he was okay, he was acting weird."

I was very confused at the moment. "Odd? Weird how?" She looked as if she were trying to piece her thoughts together. "You know that saying that goes 'they're not acting themselves.'?" I nodded. "Well, it's like that, but, to the max. It's almost as if (Y/n) has more than one personality." I raised a brow at that. "Agent...?" She smiled. "Vasquez." I nodded. "Agent Vasques. You are...sure of these things you claim? Will I experience the same things you have?" She nodded her head. "Yes, sir. And to get the most of it call him (Y/n)." My train of thought was derailed at the moment. "I'm sorry, what?" She laughed at my expense. "I thought the same thing. You'll see, Director."

Once we were outside his door. She left me with a curt salute and a smile. I pushed open the door to (Y/n)'s room. "Ah, (Y/n). I see you're awake. Are you feeling well? Any injuries I should know of?" He was sitting up, but what was off-putting was the fact that he was staring ahead, looking at nothing. "Director Henshaw. It is nice to finally meet you. And yes, I am well. No injuries." I stared at him. 'Meet me'?. "You didn't call me Martian man. Are you sure you're (Y/n)?" He scoffed and folded his hands. "If you wish to conceal your identity, then so be it. Who am I to out you? If you wish for your subordinates to know, then you will tell them on your own time."

He looked me in my eyes, and I immediately knew something was indeed wrong. "As for me being (Y/n), I can assure you I am not." He peered deeper into my eyes. "I can see that you knew this before I even said as much. You are very perceptive, Director." He gave me a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Tell me, Director, do you know who I am?" I was at a loss for words. The energy emitting from him was authoritative, for lack of a better word. "Are you some type of parasite? How did you come to inhabit (Y/n)'s body?"

He clasped his folded hands tightly. "That is quite...offensive. But, no, I am no parasite." My eyes narrowed. "Then what are you? What do you want with (Y/n)?" He unclamped his hands and held up a single finger. "Not 'what', Director, 'who'." I regarded him. "Very well. We'll start with the basics. Who are you?" He smiled. "I, am Jörvintir. Have you heard of me before?" He stopped to chuckle. "Never mind that. I am sure you know who I am." I tilted my head in both confusion and thought. "You are very...unique. Where did you come from?"

He smiled and pointed to himself as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Yours truly, of course! Where else would I come from?" I shrugged. "Are you not the same person? Why are you so different?" He nodded. "We were. Though now, we are not. You see, (Y/n) associates my name with an entirely different mindset, a different person. He thinks that my name completely changes how he acts. How he perceives things. He's using 'me' as a defense mechanism." I shook my head, confused. "How so? What is he defending himself from?"

Once again, he folded his hands in front of him. Her pursed his lips. "Upon finding out that he was not human, (Y/n) was kind of going through an identity crisis. It is one thing to be told of your roots and past, but reliving it the way (Y/n) did? It caused deep unrest within him. He is conflicted and grieving, feeling so many emotions that it's overwhelming. So what does he do? He thinks of his real name, Jörvintir, and associates it with an entirely different person. He thinks that Jörvintir handles things differently than (Y/n), that he acts different, too. Our different upbringings were already clashing, and when he was too weak to mentally keep the divide...well, ta-da!"

I pointed a finger at him and narrowed my eyes. "You didn't answer my question, Jörvintir. What is (Y/n) defending himself from?" He looked at my finger before moving his gaze to me, slowly moving my hand away from his face. "Do mind that hand of yours, Director. I would hate to see you lose it." He paused. "Do Martians have regenerative abilities?" I snatched my hand back and stood straight crossing my arms. I gave him a firm glare for good measure. He chuckled once more. "Bravado? Are you afraid of me, Director?" I stayed silent for a moment. "I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of what you're capable of."

"An honest answer." He smiled and held out his hand. "Very well, Director, you've sold me." I looked at his outstretched hand. "Pardon? 'Sold you'?" He kept his hand where it was. "(Y/n) does not agree with you keeping your true identity a secret. I, on the other hand, and willing to help. Be in your corner. A second 'Agent Danvers' if you will." I made no effort to conceal my apprehension. "You're agreeing to be my what? My confidant?" He shook his head, his hand still firm in the air. "Mark my words, Director. Sooner or later people here will find out who you really are. I am offering to assist you. To be a brother in arms. To...delay the inevitable." I shook his hand. 'I'm going to regret this.'

"Good man, Director. You will not regret this. I swear on the tree of Yggdrasil." I let his hand go. "Get some rest. I'll be wheeling Kara in soon." His entire demeanor shifted. He distanced himself and his aura was colder. "I...would greatly appreciate it if you did not. One of the main reasons I am here is because of her." I looked at him, baffled. "But, she asked me to do it. What am I supposed to tell her?" He simply shrugged and laid down. "Simple. The truth: that I do not wish to see her, nor be near her." I reeled at that. "Seriously? But, you two were almost inseparable! It would break her heart!"

He shrugged again. "Good. Let her see how it feels." My mind was thoroughly blown. Yet, I complied. The last thing we needed was for this kid to get mad and throw a temper tantrum. It would easily be the most dangerous one ever known to man. "...Very well. I'll leave you to rest and send doctors in periodically to keep you stable." I walked to the door and hesitated. "You have a question. Ask." My nervousness was childish. What was I afraid of? "Should...should we be expecting (Y/n) anytime soon?" He gave me an odd look. "I...I do not know. You will have to get back to me on that one." I nodded, and left the room.

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