That Fateful Day

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A/n: Note that in the present (Y/n) is 22 years old. In this flashback, he is 7.                          

                              (Y/n)'s POV
                 Flashback(15 years ago)
I had just awakened to screams. I sat up in my bed. I looked around to see that my ma and pa were nowhere to be found. I got out of bed and made my way to the front door. I could hear what sounded like fight going on outside. Then I heard my name. "Give me young Jörvintir, and nobody has to get hurt." What did they want with me? "I will not give you my son! Over my dead body!"

Mama? What was mama doing out there? Where was papa? "I don't know what you Aesir want with my boy, but I'll have you know that you will not be taking him." I heard snow crunching. "I'll take him by force if need be. But it doesn't need to be this way. You can just hand him over and I will depart from you." I heard unsheathing. "There is no way in Hel I'm giving up my son. Tell your brother Thor and your father Odin that they will NEVER lay a hand on my precious boy."  The mysterious man laughed. "Very well. I hope your souls find Valhalla."

Valhalla? Ma and pa told me that's where dead warriors go. Did that mean...? "Noooo!" I shouted as I ran out of the house. I stood between the man and my parents. "I'll go with you. Just please don't hurt my mom and dad." My mother gasped and my dad put his hand on my shoulder, pulling me behind him. "No, son. I can't let you do that."

My mom took me in her arms. "Let your son make the sacrifice, sea god. Be wise." My mom wept into my shoulder. "Fey, get the boy out of here. He doesn't need to be here for this." It had just dawned on me what he meant. "Papa, no! I won't let you get hurt because of me! Please!!"

I shouted with tears in my eyes. "Come now, my son. We must go." My mom started to drag me away with little effort. "Mama, please we have to help papa! We can't let him die!" I screamed and yelled, but my pleas fell to deaf ears.

My mom hauled me up onto her gryphons saddle, and she mounted behind me. I heard a few more clashes of weaponry before I heard a roar of pain. And then nothing. My mom looked back. I looked at her face. Her eyes had tears falling from them, and her expression was somber. "Ferdinni, Zamora!" Mama commanded her gryphon, Zamora, to fly. It took to the skies, and with amazing speed, we left my father behind. I knew he was dead. Deep down, I knew. And I cried. I wept so hard.

I never really cried, because papa told me that I needed to do my best to conceal my emotions. But this was different. My father was dead, for crying out loud. I think I deserved to shed a few tears. "Mama, where are we going? Are we going someplace safe?" She stayed silent for a moment. "We're going to go see an old friend of mine. One that can protect you."

I wiped my face. "Just me? What about you, mama?" I knew the answer already. The fact that that man had found our village despite the stave of protection my mom placed spoke volumes. All of those people he killed. Our entire village. I could feel death and dread. I could feel their souls—their lives slipping away. That man would find us again. And when he did, he'd take my mother next.

We flew for some time until we came across a forest. I could feel it from here—blooming life, so many different living organisms. It was overwhelming. My mom laid her hand on my shoulder. "Take deep breaths. Let it all roll over you. Don't fight it. Let it flow." I did as instructed and calmed myself.

The feeling was much more dull now but I could feel it. If I chose, I could reach deep and let it bloom. 'I wonder what would happen if I did. What would it feel like?' We touched down in front of a large turtle-like being. He was humongous. He looked at me. He...spoke from within my head. "Hello, young Jötun. My name, is Chaurli. What is yours?"

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