Things Have Changed...

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                          Y/n POV
L/n=Last name

As I approached my front door, I let out a breath of relief, thankful for making it home safe and unscathed. As I went to turn the doorknob, I realized it was locked. "Why is it locked?" I paused. Then it dawned on me. "Ohhh, I forgot I locked myself out yesterday while leaving...duh." I backed up and looked directly through my bedroom window. "How in the hell am I gonna get through though?" Then it hit me. "I can just climb through the window. No problem, now all I have to do is figure out how to reach the window that's damn near 8 feet off of the ground." I figured."ALWAYS SOMTHING!" I thought.

I was literally seething right now. So, I decided to just take a few deep breaths and think. "I've climbed higher things before, why is it any different now?" I closed my eyes and took a VERY deep breath before running and grabbing the edge of the window sill, thanks to the wall I literally ran up. My special ass was about to just throw myself through the window. That is until I banged my head and immediately let go of the window sill I was clinging onto. I hit the ground with a hard thud. "Owwwww..." I groaned, "That hurt." I laid there, on the ground for a while, admiring the sky and how the clouds effortlessly danced across it.

"OKAY, move it or lose it, L/n." I did what felt like peeling myself off the itchy grass and clambered up the wall again, this time being very careful to *open* the window before carelessly ramming my head into it. So, I lifted the screen on the outside, then I lifted the actual window and pulled myself in, and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I landed face first on the carpet of my room. Well, not landed but more like dragged. I dragged my face across the carpet as I was lifting myself in. I took time to realize how good the carpet smelled. When I was fully on the floor I felt my face burn.

But, I just casually stood up and closed both the screen and the window. I looked around my room and noticed it wasn't how I left comforter was all crumpled up and at the foot of my bed...on the floor. My pillows were on the floor as well, I went to pick one up and immediately dropped it. There was dog slobber all over it! "Damn dog!" I absolutely could not believe him! Oh, he's so getting it..I didn't like yelling at my boy but this was unacceptable. "MAVERICK!" I yelled, and within seconds he came running in the room, he saw it was me and immediately tucked his tail between his legs. "You know what you did. I mean, look at this. Really man? This is not how we roll.

He looked around the room, then back at me and started to clean up, to the best of his ability. Now, I know this sounds weird, but Maverick is a smart dog. Too smart for his own good, I think. After he was done he gave me a look and left. Just left. Didn't even apologize. "Rude." I looked at the clock and saw I had a half an hour to get ready. I quickly picked out an white t-shirt then a blue long sleeve to go over it and then grabbed my boxers, socks, and my army green pants. I quickly stripped and hopped in the shower scrubbing everything, and then got right back out.

It only took 15 minutes. Which meant that I had exactly 15 more minutes to get dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and make breakfast. I zoomed in to my room and got dressed. As I left my bedroom, I grabbed my watch that was on my dresser, and dashed down the stairs. 5 minutes passed and I had already put Mavericks food and water in their respective bowls and fed myself. Dashed back up the stairs to brush my teeth. Rushed back downstairs and grabbed those goddamn keys. Just as I shouted my goodbyes to Maverick and shut the door to wait for Mark, I realized I told Mark to pick me up from work, not drop me off at work. GOTTA LIVE LIFE, MAN.

I mentally and physically face palmed. "Damn it! Gotta call him now.." As I whipped out my phone to call him he coincidentally pulled up. "NEED A RIDE!?" He shouted out of his car window, "Yeah, dude. How'd you know to be here?" I asked. He looked at me like I was dumb, and I kinda was. "Dude, I knew you weren't gonna leave Kara's apartment wearing the same clothes, so I figured I'd drop by and see if you were still here." I looked at him and smiled. Man, you're a lifesaver.

He didn't even speak he just pressed his foot against the gas pedal. "He okay?..." He threw a quick glance my way before focusing back on the road, "Look man, don't look at me like that, okay? Everything is good. I just want you to get to work on time, my man." He answered awkwardly.

Within 5 minutes we arrived at my destination. I hopped out of the car, waved good bye and made my way to the entrance. On my way there I spotted Kara, and I was going to go talk to her but she looked...conflicted to say the least.

When I was inside I made my way to the elevator, patiently waiting for it to get to my floor. When I got to my floor I went straight to my desk avoiding everybody except for Winn, he was an okay dude. I sat down at my desk and immediately started doing my work. Through the corner of my eye, I saw Winn maneuver through the crowd of people in the office to reach me.

"Hey Y/n, you good, man? You" I looked up at him and smiled, "I'm fine man I just had a really rough night last night." He gave me a suspicious look, because he obviously didn't buy it, and I wouldn't either because lets face it, I'm a terrible liar. He paused. "Alright man, but if you need me, feel free to come to me. 'Kay?" I looked at him and laughed. "You got it, chief."

"Hey, Y/n." I internally panicked. I am so not ready to have this conversation.

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