Step 1

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Y/n's POV
You know that feeling where it's almost like you're having and out of body experience? Yeah, this was like that except it was on steroids. If anyone told me that I was an alien with ice powers and a alter ego? I'd have them committed and get a restraining order. I'm convinced that there is nothing that could have prepared me for all of this. I just wanna take a nice cold shower, and have a good nap. Maybe even get info out of my parents. They had some real explaining to do.

When I was fighting Vartox, I felt this...anger. It was boiling and dangerous. Caustic if tangible. I guess you could say I was a laid back kid. I made a few friends in high school, had a few girlfriends. Typical shit. Sometimes I would get mad, upset. But what I was so much more intense. I had this genuine desire to beat him within an inch of his life. I don't think I've ever had a thought that violent before. I'm not necessarily a violent person. I may be overprotective and take action when needed, but that shit was leagues ahead.

When I made that sphere of ice and sealed us in, his axe exploded. How I made it out, I haven't the slightest idea. Vartox, on the other hand, he was something like a magician. His body was gone. The axe nothing but a singed and splintered pommel. I knew there was no way he made it out, but I'm actually kind of glad that there wasn't a body. I can't imagine being covered in that asswipes blood. I remember hearing Kara call out for me, and opening up the sphere to see if she was alright. The way she looked at me as I stumbled out was unadulterated shock.

I was so distracted by her in general that I tripped over my own two feet. Luckily she caught me. It felt good to be held by her, and I was exhausted. I made a quip as I felt my energy slowly leave me and we both laughed. That is until my laughter gave way to a violent cough. Being in suck close proximity to her was slowly but surely calming me and lulling me to sleep. The more I relaxed, the more this...cold feeling came over me. I could feel it prodding at the back of my mind, trying to escape. 'Set me free,' it seemed to say. 'Let me set things right.'

Over the past few days, I've really been going through it. I was feeling so much and being pulled in so many directions, I felt dizzy almost. If I had stayed with my people, would I have been stronger? If I had acted more like a true Frost Giant, and less of a human, would Kara have accepted me? Would we be happy? 'Jörvintir'. The name that seemed to carry so much power. The person I was supposed to be. 'That's right, boy. Let me out. I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!!' That's when it clicked: Something was wrong. Very wrong.

I remember Kara's soft yet sure hands on my face. When I looked into her eyes, The mental dam that I had been trying to keep up had shattered. Jörvintir, the Frost Giant had come out to play. No more was I Y/n the sad orphan. I was now a cold, relentless beast. I tried to warn Kara, that this was serious and something was wrong, but eventually my fatigue counted against me, and I gave in to her holding me.

Then, I woke up here. In my mindscape. I could tell that my uncle was here. I could just...feel him. "Uncle Thamür...why are you so silent. Normally you would be telling me stories of me as a child. Are you alright?" I felt emotions that weren't mine. "You...did this? And for why? Because it's overwhelming? Tough luck, kid! That's life! Now you're stuck here!" I shook my head. "Wait, what? I'm stuck here! We can't just....switch!?" The wind picked up until it slapped my hair all over my face. "What did you expect? To be able to 'toggle' it? No. You're stuck here until you learn. Until you combine with both pieces of yourself."

"And how am I supposed to do that? It's not like I know what he's doing and can see what i need to learn!" The wind died down. "You cannot, but I can. I will know what transpired that you need to learn from, and in turn test you. You will not even know it is a test when I decide to give it to you. I will continue to press and redefine you until you have fully learned and start to piece yourself together." I deflated. It's not like I can get out of this. If I ever want to see Kara again, I'll need to get through this. "Okay. Okay, I'll trust you. I'm trusting you to help me through this, uncle."

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