It Takes Two, Baby

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                              (Y/n)'s POV
Kara and I had just filled each other in on what happened to each of us. She told me about the hologram, and her meltdown. I told her about my past, how I ended up on Midgård, and what went on while I was unconscious. "So, you're uncle is in your head? Can he hear me?"

"He's in my head, yes. But, I don't think he can hear you." 'Oh yes I can.' My eyes widened. 'How are you doing this right now?' 'Don't worry about that. Tell her that she is your sworn.' I shook my head. "No way! I'm not telling her about that!" Kara jumped at this. "Uh, (Y/n), you okay? Who are you talking to?" I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm all good over here. Turns out my uncle can hear you. He says hi." 'Are you serious right now? Tell her!'

I groaned in annoyance. 'Fine!' "Kara, you might want to take a seat." She did so. " people and I have this...bonding thing called sworn. We uhm....I guess it means we're connected to someone in a sense. We tend to have....strong feelings for them. And are my sworn, Kara. I'm bound to you." I began to get passionate. Whether it was me or my uncle, I couldn't tell you. "It's why I felt so...compelled to protect you. To love you. To give you anything you ask for."

'How exactly did you know she was my sworn just by hearing she was Kryptonian?' 'Long ago, the Jötnar and the Kryptonians made a pact that the first born of each family would be bound to the first born of their families respectively. It was simply random chance that she was sworn to you. But the fact that you have affections for her and she's Kryptonian? Not to mention you're both clearly first born to your respective families, gave it all away.'

Oh, I guess that does make sense. It seems all too...perfect. "That seems a bit...intense, doesn't it?" She asked warily. I could feel her fear. 'My attunement is both a blessing and and a curse.' 'So it is. What are you going to do about her fear of you?' 'Easy. I'm gonna address it.' "You're afraid..." she looked at me with wide eyes. "Why?" She stared at me. "Is it because I dumped all of this on you at once? I apologize. I did not mean to overwhelm you." 'Why am I talking like this?' 'Now that you've learned about your origin, I think your different personalities are clashing.' 'That's...odd.' 'Indeed.' "How did you know? That I was afraid?"

I looked away from her. "Easy. I can feel it. Once again, I sincerely apologize. It was not my intention to make you fear me." She looked at me strangely. "Hey, (Y/n), are you okay? You're talking weirdly." I kept my eyes off of her. "Personality clash. It should blow over soon. And by that I mean they should mix and balance themselves out. Does this scare you as well?" I asked out of curiosity, but I guess with the way she looked at me, it didn't sound that way. "Sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound that way." She let it go. "What did you mean by personality clash?"

"With me learning about the memories I lost, and where I'm from, I'm guessing that those two different lives—personalities—are clashing. Making me talk and feel different." She nodded in understanding. "Feel different?" I still wouldn't look at her. "Normally with you being somewhat afraid of me, I'd be hurt. Sad, even. But right now I'm feeling...nonchalant. Disconnected in a sense. I don't know what's wrong with me." 'Boy?' 'What's wrong with me uncle Thamür? Why am I feeling this way?'

'With your personalities clashing and her fear of you, you're...withdrawing yourself. Becoming cold. Your body is confused. As is your mind. Your human tendencies are butting with your Jötun ones.' 'Oh. When will this pass?' 'I'm not sure.' She tilted her head in confusion. "How is it that you can feel what I'm feeling?" I took a deep breath. "It's called being attuned. Being in deep touch with ones surroundings. In this case, that would be emotions." Her brow furrowed. "Why won't you look at me?"

I felt resentment. Anger. "Why are you afraid of me?" I shot back just as quick. Her eyes widened and she leaned away from me. "Are you....mad?" 'Fix that temper, boy. You're upsetting her.' "SHE'S THE ONE WHO'S AFRAID OF ME!" Kara jolted from my sudden outburst. "I just...this all seems so sudden. I mean you're telling me you love me." I looked at her incredulously. "I never said I loved you. I said I had a strong urge to love you. Platonically." I struggled to keep it at that. I wanted to tell her not to flatter herself, but that'd just be rude. 'Are you not in love with her?'

'No, I'm not. There is a difference between being in love with someone and loving someone. Being in love requires two people. This is all one sided.' 'Hm. Your discovery of your past is making you bitter. You best fix it.' I decided to ignore him and not respond. I exhaled hard. "Kara, you being my sworn doesn't mean we're forced to be together. It means that I'm bound to you to make you happy, I guess. Those strong feelings don't have to be romantic. I don't know why our people formed that pact, but I know one thing: I'm bound to you and I intend to be there for you. Whatever that looks like." I looked her in her eyes as I said this. She looked away once I was finished.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." I laughed humorlessly. "Be presumptuous? It's fine. It's not your fault. You don't understand." Her hands curled into fists. She was...angry? Determined? "But I want to understand." She looked at me once more. "Help me to understand." 'How can I do that?' 'You don't have some type of power for that, if that's what you're getting at. It takes time, young one.' "There isn't necessarily a quick fix for this, Kara. We'll just have to do it the old fashioned way. Getting to know one another. I promise to explain things in time. All you have to do is ask questions when something isn't clear or if you're confused." She nodded sadly.

I lifted her chin and kissed her forehead. "So, now that we've gotten that out of the way, you're going to need to call Cat and tell her about her salad." She stood up abruptly. I placed my hand on her shoulder and sat her down. "Tell her that the store was having problems and that the service was delayed. Tell her that you threw a fit and threatened to call her if they didn't get their act together. Tell her that they gave it to you on the house." She nodded and pulled out her phone.

After a few minutes, she hung up. "So?" She nodded. "She bought the story, said she was proud of me. Now what?" I stood up and stretched. "Now, we do it in actuality. Let's go."

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