That Moment When: You Unknowingly Yet Knowingly Break Your Besties Heart

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                              Kara's POV
As I sat there waiting for someone to come get me, I wondered what was wrong with (Y/n). I mean, I know for a fact that should push come to shove he can handle himself, but that doesn't mean that I can't be worried. After our fight with Vartox, he seemed extremely exhausted. Which is to be expected considering how much he used his powers. But, there was something odd with the way he said something was wrong. It wasn't like he was concerned with his lack of energy, it was more like he was....scared of whatever was going on.

The sooner I can get to him, the better. I've known (Y/n) for well over a year and know that he liked to vent, and that he feels significantly better after doing so. And who better to vent to than his bestest friend? "That dammed asshole, making (Y/n) seem like some sort of sad sack. I can't wait until he learns a lesson." I turned my head as Alex enters my room, grumbling under her breath. "Alex? What are you griping about? Is (Y/n) okay?" She looked me in my eyes with a deranged look in hers. "Is (Y/n) okay?! What about me? I was just subjected to his friends...bullshit, and then he doesn't even let me talk to (Y/n), he just gets all defensive and tries to charm my mind off the subject at hand!"

She slammed her fists on the table beside my bed. "Fuck him! That....that goddamn prick!" I tried my best to calm her without moving out of the warm rays of the sun lamp. "What are you talking about? What friend? Did someone come to visit him?" I was so confused right now it made my head hurt. "Start from the top. What happened?" She took a few deep breaths and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I went to go see (Y/n) and make sure he was okay. When I first walked in, the room was really cold. I checked to make sure he was okay, and then...that's when the weirdness started."

"The first thing he said to me was a pick up line. Dick. And then, he calls himself 'Jörvintir' and got upset with me when I called him '(Y/n)'. He said that he was (Y/n)'s alter ego, and then when I called him out he got all defensive. When I tried to backtrack, he calmed down too. He explained to me what was going on with (Y/n) and why he was here. Then he started talking about what he went through as a kid, and his purpose here was to 'protect the earth' and 'make sure what happened to his people won't happen to anyone ever again'."

I laid my hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Alex, what are you talking about? (Y/n) and Jörvintir are the same person. He only has different names because one name was given to him by his birth parents, and the other is essentially his earth name." She shook her head. "No way. Jörvintir and (Y/n) are totally different people. Jörvintir's a dick, while (Y/n) isn't. I mean, 'emotional distancing'? All because the girl your simping for doesn't want you? What the fuck is that?!" I stopped her again. "What do you mean?" She looked at me for a short moment. She exhaled. "You mean, you don't know?"

I shook my head. "Know what?" She laid both of her hands on my shoulders. "(Y/n) is literally head over heels for you? How did you not notice?" I smiled. "It's not like that, Alex. It's some sort of thing common among his people. It connects us in a sense. His love for me is...oddly enough, whatever I need it to be? So, like, right now, his love for me is platonic. And should it ever escalate, it could become romantic. It only seems like he's in love with me." She moves away from me and let out a heavy sigh.

"I can't believe you're buying that shit. That was probably Jörvintir just doing damage control! But, whatever the case his 'love' for you is neither platonic nor romantic. He hates your guts." I shook my head in confusion at this. "Why does (Y/n) hate me?" She slapped both of her hands over her face and groaned. "It's not (Y/n) that hates you, it's Jörvintir. He feels that he needs to protect (Y/n) from you." I waved my hands. "Wait, wait, protect him? From me?" Alex looked at me with sad eyes, her anger long gone. "You broke (Y/n)'s heart. The way Jörvintir put it, you're bound? And when you rejected him, it really took its toll on him, among other things...." She paused and hugged herself. "Kara, he created another personality."

I was so shocked that I had to force myself to breath in. "I...I what?"

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