Okay, Pause. What The Hell Is A Jötn?

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(Y/n)'s POV
So, like...Kara's been taking a bit long to get back from the plant. Long enough that Cat's been giving me her signature 'impatient look'. I decided to go and check up on her. I made my way to the front of the building down stairs and hailed a taxi. "To the abandoned plant please." He gave me a weird look. "You sure, kid?" I waved him off nonchalantly. "Yeah! Of course. And hey! I'll even throw in a extra tip while I'm at it." That sped him up.

We got there in no time, and I could hear commotion from where he decided to drop me off. I threw him a 50. "Keep the change, my good fellow." He quickly thanked me and drove off. Now, to find Kara. What the hell is taking her so long? I climbed and clambered on and around the debris of the plant. And in the distance, I could see some huge, hulking dude with a big ass slab of concrete. He poised himself to throw it at her. I looked to Kara, who looked in no condition to take such a blow. She was hunched over, breathing heavily.

It felt like ice cold water was running through my veins. "NOOOO!" I shouted. I broke into a sprint, but I wouldn't make it in time. Or so I thought. With the fear that she would get seriously injured I was somehow able to break into a even faster sprint, and I was in front of her in seconds. "(Y/n)? What're you...?" she trailed off, and not only that but her speech sounded slurred. This dude must've fucked her up pretty bad. 'Not on my watch..." I thought.

The mysterious man threw the rock with a grunt. It came at me in slow motion. I didn't know what to do. All I initially knew was that I needed to protect Kara. At all costs. That thought seemed to spur me into motion. As the rock got closer my entire body surged with unadulterated strength. I threw my fist in front of me and punched the rock to smithereens. 'How did I...? What the hell is going on? First super speed and now this?' The man's face was that of rage, and confusion.

Then, upon inspecting me, his features morphed into that of...recognition? It was dead silent until he said, "Hello, Son Of Aegir." My ears started to ring. I tired to shake it away. It didn't work. 'Who's...Aegir? My dad's name is (F/n)...' The ringing got louder and louder. Then my head felt like it was about to explode. "Aghhh!" I exclaimed. It was all I could manage.

What was this....this pain? "That, Son Of Aegir?That pain? That's you fighting yourself. You believe yourself to be mortal. But upon hearing your true fathers name, you are beginning to combat yourself. Do not worry, for you....Jötnar are a very....resilient race." I could barely even comprehend what he was saying. Jötnar? What the hell? I feel like I just got thrown through a loop.

I was so...so confused. My body felt like it was thrumming with immense strength, but it was as if I couldn't contain or handle it, because at the same time, my body felt sapped for energy. I wanted to collapse. But I couldn't. Not...not while Kara was in danger. 'You will stand and fight it you have to! Don't you dare give up!' My body was telling my to just let go. Drop to my knees. But there was something else inside of me too, telling me that I wouldn't back down while this prick was still a threat to Kara.

He looked at me amusedly. "Well, well. Looks like you've got a spark. I like that. But, unfortunately, it's not my place to put you down. That's Baldur's job." Who...who was Baldur? "I...." I couldn't speak I felt so....confused, conflicted. I was literally fighting myself right now. He took one menacing step forward. I tensed. He smiled. He fucking smiled. I was so...so...MAD! "GRAAAAH!" I let out a feral cry. The pain in my head, my body increased tenfold. He wasn't gonna touch her! Not on my watch!

My body started to hum again. "My, my....You're...glowing. I didn't think any of you self righteous mongrels could do that anymore. I....I thought you had long lost that ability..." He stared at me in awe. I looked down at myself. He was right. I was glowing. I even had these...markings on my right arm. It was the markings that were glowing. Like some type of sleeve of a tattoo. I don't remember even getting any tattoos. They were on my fingers too. And my inner forearm. I looked at my left arm. I had markings on my fingers, and my inner wrist and forearm. "What the...?"

Everything was happening so fast. I looked at the man. He looked up. I did too. There was a helicopter hovering above us, and down came...'Alex..?' She dropped in front of me and ignored me. She addressed Kara directly. "Supergirl, are you alright? We got a distress signal from you." She made eye contact with the mad and he fled. When he fled, I collapsed.

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