So, Is That A Dog Or Not...?

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Kara's POV
When Alex and I get back to the DEO, she leads me straight to the same room (Y/n) was in the first time they brought him here. When we get to the room, his eyes are closed, and there's a dog on his lap. It smells weird. He opens his eyes and sits up. The "dog" doesn't budge. He smiles as his eyes rest on me.

"Hey, (Y/n), were you...sleeping?" He shakes his head. "No, I was in my mindscape. My uncle's back by the way." I quirked an eyebrow at that. "What happened to him?" He shook his head yet again. "Nothing too serious, I guess. There was this....purple thingy that made me all tired, and it made me cut myself? Then my mindscape was all hazy and everything. Not to mention my uncle was clearly affected by this. Everything's good now though, thanks to Alex and Maverick."

"Who's Maverick? Am I missing something?" Alex let out a low whistle catching the "dog's" attention. "I met someone before Kara? Uh oh, what's the occasion, (Y/n)?" (Y/n) rolled his eyes at Alex. "Maverick is my dog. My best friend, and my day 1." He patted the "dog" for emphasis. 'That's a dog? Why does it smell so odd?' I locked eyes with it. That thing is not a dog. "Oh. Well then, it's nice to meet you....Maverick." It barked at me. "Kara? Why are you looking at him like that?" 'So it's a him?' I shook my head. "You have a whole bunch of fancy senses, and you're telling me that thing doesn't to you?"

(Y/n) gave me a look, then he looked at Alex. "Kara, are you okay? Did Reactron knock something loose? That's definitely a dog." I shook my head adamantly. "Alex, no offense, but you're a human. You wouldn't have the sense of smell we do—or I do. Since (Y/n) is oblivious." (Y/n) shifted uncomfortably. "Kara, I love you. I do, you're one of my best friends. But right now, you're being rude. Maverick is a dog, and I really don't appreciate you saying that he smells weird." I put my hand on my face. I exhaled loudly.

"Okay—humor me. Take a deep inhale. You're telling me that he doesn't smell weird?" He did as I asked. Something flashed across his face, something akin to recognition. "He smells like...Zamora?" Alex and I exchanged glances with one another. "Who's Zamora? Another pet?" His eyes looked distant. I was beginning to worry. "(Y/n)...?" His eyes cleared of that fog as we locked eyes. "Zamora was my mom's gryphon. She was more than just a pet. She was a partner, a companion. I...." He trailed off, and his eyes glazed over again. The marking behind his ear glowed. The "dog" jumped off of his lap and went behind Alex. I looked on as she absent mindedly rubbed behind his ears.

I looked back to (Y/n) as he was now basically crying. Tears were falling down his face and his lip was trembling. "(Y/n)? What's wrong with you? Was it something I said?" If he could hear me, I couldn't tell. He didn't even respond. He closed his eyes and his hands started to glow and he formed them into fists. "Gimstenni. Andiën, Argon!" I had no idea what he was saying, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw the "dog" react to this, but it didn't move. "I've never..." I looked back at (Y/n) to see that he was no longer glowing, and his eyes were cleared up.

His expression looked troubled. "I've never had a...flashback like that. I've only experienced them in my mindscape." He looked to the "dog". "Argon? Is" The "dog" came from behind Alex and jumped back into (Y/n)'s lap. " that's why you looked different in my mindscape! How do you...maintain your form?" Our moment was cut short as Director Henshaw came in. "Sup-erm-Kara...we need you." I caught on to what he was inferring. "Hey, Martian man!" I looked between (Y/n) and Hank. "Martian man? What's that all about?" Hank gave (Y/n) a withering glare before looking away. "It's nothing. Let's go."

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