Trash Ass Sunglasses and A Nice Body

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Y/n's POV
I feel like I gave a really good pitch. I mean, it seemed inspiring, and authentic. I'm proud of myself. Now all I have to do is come up with a good cover photo. I mean, it can be that hard right? Right. This is easy, simplistic. I got this.

I was typing away at my desk when a hand just decided to interrupt me while I was in the zone. "Yo! Man, you okay? You've been all spacey since we left Grant's office." I looked up, it was James. "Dude, in case you haven't noticed, I DO NOT like you! Go the hell away!" Let's just be chill right now. Deep breaths. In. Out. Okay... "Uh, Yeah man, totally. I'm good." Was all I could manage. The dude seemed to tick me off, and he didn't even really do anything to me, "At least not yet anyway. Gotta keep an eye on him."

I looked up and glanced around at whatever the hell seemed to be going on. The office was preparing for a photo shoot I guess, because all I saw was a make-shift stage with a black cloth over it and lights shining all over the damn thing. "Hey! They're taking my advice!" I felt my blood run cold when I spotted Ms.Grant strutting out of her office with those god awful shades on, "I mean, seriously why the hell are you wearing shades inside? That seems really unnecessary, woman."

She was yelling at some dudes because whatever they were doing, it wasn't being done correctly. I scoffed at her antics, but gulped when she started making her way to me. "You there, get ready and take your shirt off!" I looked at her incredulously, "What?!" Oh hell nah! I'm keeping my shirt on thank you ma'am! "Wha...What? I Um..don't think that's a good-"She looked at me. No. Scratch that. Glared at me. So hard it made me stop mid-sentence. "Oh,Y/n enough of trying to be modest. Strip. Now."

I guess there really is no escaping this. Well, fine then. I took my shoes of first and stepped up on the stage. It felt steady but there was that gut feeling that trumped everything. Still, I could protest the stage's durability, not in front of boss lady anyway, so there I stayed. I looked out into the crowd, and all I saw was lights, lots of lights and people with cameras at the ready. I could see people just looking at me, waiting to see what I had to offer, given that this was my idea in the first place.

I reached behind me and started to take my shirt off. Once it was off I threw it to the side and immediately regretted it. I felt so exposed, and I started to tense up, and when I felt I'd had about enough, I moved to rub the back of my neck, which was hot, and all of a sudden the whole office erupted in cheers. "What the..?" I could hear the what the buzz was about. Apparently, I was 'a very muscular man', women of the office were eyeing me like I was food and the men gave me looks of envy. I read Ms.Grants lips "Well done, boy." I'm flattered. "Aw, shucks..." Once the clapping ceased. I heard the elevator doors open.

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