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Tori Vega was curled up on her bed, watching some television after a long day of school. She was on the verge of falling asleep until her Pearphone rang. Startled, she answered.


"Tori," said a trembling voice.

Tori sat up in concern, "Hey, Jade what's wrong?"

Jade sniffed, "I need-I need to talk to you. Beck. He, he-"

"Hey," Tori interrupted, "come over. I'm here."

The phone clicked and Tori stood up.

Jade and Beck were always on and off but she never sounded like that during a break up since she was alway the one terminating them. Tori never understood why Jade wanted to be with Beck in the first place. He was a dick.

There was a knock on the front door and Tori raced down the stairs. She opened the door to see Jade standing in front of her with black mascara framing her green eyes and running down her face.

Jade trudged past Tori and ran up to Tori's room.

Tori shook her head, "Typical Jade," she closed the door and followed suit.

She entered her room to see Jade curled up on her bed clutching a pillow to her stomach and crying into the blankets.

Tori sat down beside Jade and waited for her to speak.

Jade whispered something but it was inaudible.


"Beck cheated," Jade whispered.

Tori frowned, "Oh no, Jade. I'm so sorry."

She reached over Jade to fetch a tissue box that was on her nightstand. She offered it to Jade and she sat up, taking a few and wiping her cheeks.

"I went to his place and-and I opened his door," Jade's voice cracked and she blew her nose. "He had a girl bent over. He-he was f-fucking her brains out," she laughed in disbelief. "I didn't get a look at her face but, Jesus was she enjoying it."

Tori pulled out another tissue from the box offered it to her. Jade snatched it from her and dabbed it at her eyes.

     Tori inhaled and whispered, "Jade. I'm so sorry that he did that to you. I can't be—"

Jade held up her hand, interrupting Tori, and sighed. She pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers and sighed.

     "I just never thought he'd cheat on me," her voice cracked and she embraced Tori with all of the strength she had.

Tori was taken off guard at the sudden hug but she returned it with just as much strength.

The doorbell rang and startled them. Jade quickly released Tori and she hurried down the stairs, eager to return to Jade.

"Who is it," she shouted.

"Is Jade with you," shouted Beck from the other side of the door.

Tori groaned, "She doesn't wanna see you, Beck so get the hell out of here."

"Look tell her I'm sorry." His voice cracked, "Tell her-tell her that I'll never do it again. It was just that one—"

Tori stomped to the door and swung it open, "I said get the fuck out of here! She doesn't wanna see you! She wants nothing to do with you right now, so go!"

Beck backed up and cleared his throat, "She was an emo slut anyways," and sulked off as if nothing ever happened.

Tori's nostrils flared and she shouted after him, "She's not an 'emo slut' you prick!"

Beck stopped in his tracks and turned around on his heel, "Yeah," he questioned whilst walking towards her. "Well what the fuck would you know, huh?" He got nose-to-nose with her and whispered, "You haven't been with her for four fucking years." He started to raise his voice, "You haven't dealt with her emotional breakdowns and her anger issues and her fucking scars all over herself!"

"Beck," interrupted Jade.

Tori turned around and saw Jade standing near the couch. She had her arms crossed and a crumpled up tissue in her hand.

     "You should go," she suggested.

Beck huffed and snapped his jacket as he turned and walked down Tori's driveway.

Tori finally let go of a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding and turned around to Jade. She closed the door and leaned her back against it, embracing the cold that it was letting out.

"Sorry about that," Jade said. She looked down at her arms and tugged at a lose thread in her long-sleeved shirt.

Tori was able to manage a small, sympathetic smile and walked over to Jade. She hugged her tight and nuzzled her face into her neck.

It took her a moment, but Jade returned it.

"Do you wanna crash here for the night," Tori whispered into Jade's neck.

Jade sighed through her nose. Her breath sent chills down Tori's neck. "Yeah," she replied. She pulled away from Tori to look at her directly, "I do wanna stay."

They looked into each other's eyes and Tori's heart caught in her throat. All she could hear was her heartbeat and feel her throat start to tighten. She gulped and quickly took a step back from Jade.

She rubbed the back of her neck, "So do you wanna sleep in my room or crash on the couch or what?"

"Well what would you prefer," Jade questioned. Slowly making her way towards Tori.

Tori took a few steps back and nervously laughed, "Me? Well I couldn't care less. I mean-ow."

Tori had backed herself into a wall and her breath hitched in her chest as Jade was now nose-to-nose with her.

"What do you want, Tori," Jade asked again, slowly inching closer.

Tori cleared her throat, "Um you can h-have the couch." She shimmied out between the wall and Jade and raced up the stairs to her room.

Once she got to her room, she slammed the door and sharply exhaled. What the hell was that? Another thought quickly swamped her mind, Did I actually like that?

Hi guys! So this is one of the two projects I'm working on! I totally shipped Jori on Victorious so why not write a fanfic about them🤷🏻‍♀️
I hope you guys like it!!
Criticism is accepted and encouraged! If you see any grammatical errors or plot holes, just highlight them and comment and I'll be happy to correct!

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