Play The Part

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     After a few separate classes, Tori and Jade met up outside of Sikowitz's classroom: the one class they had together.

     "Hey," Jade smiled.

     "Hey there," Tori replied.

     They both went into the classroom and sat in the back row beside each other.

     Beck, André, Robbie, and Cat soon followed in and sat on the other side of the room near each other.

     André looked over at Tori and Jade and nodded a sup.

     Tori and Jade both smiled hi in response and looked up to the mini stage that Sikowitz was on.

"Okie dokey, class," he shouted. "We're going to do a few exercises today surrounding the idea of," he cleared his throat, "romance."

The class groaned in response and Sikowitz laughed. "Alright," he rubbed his hands together. "Who wants to go first?"

The class was silent.

"Alright. Tori, Jade come up here."

Tori and Jade looked at each other and set their backpacks on the floor. Then they walked up on the stage where Sikowitz handed them both a piece of paper which had their lines on them.

"Okay, gals. In this scene, you're a couple."

Jade and Tori both looked at one another and blushed intensely.

"You're fighting, arguing. Over whatever is on that paper or, hell, make up something if you want. I don't care. Just feel the emotions bleeding through these words, okay?"

They both looked at Sikowitz and nodded. He nodded in return and took a seat with the class. "Whenever you're ready," he stated. He crossed his legs and bit down on his thumbnail.

Tori cleared her throat and started out strong, "I don't give a shit why you did that! That money was ours and you threw it all away! I can't believe you—"

"Well I'm sorry that I'm trying to make a living for us," Jade interrupted. "It was stupid, yes but I got more than—"

"Yeah, after losing three quarters of it! I trusted you, Jade! I trusted you and you," her voice cracked, "you just gambled it all away!"

Jade felt tears coming out of her eyes and rolling down her face, "Well at least I didn't cheat on you."

Tori was taken aback, "I told you. That was a mistake! You forgave me and promised that you'd never bring it up!"

"Well intense times call for intense measures don't they!"

"I'm sorry," Tori replied. "Please," she walked up to Jade and took her hands into hers. "Stop gambling."

Jade looked down at her feet and back up to Tori, "I-I don't think I can." She took a step back and shoved a tendril of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

The class was quiet. No one made a sound. Tori and Jade just stood there, staring into each other's teary eyes.

"Please," Tori begged. She walked up closer to Jade, "Just give me—give us another chance. We deserve to be happy together."

Jade looked down at her feet again and wiped away the tears rolling down her face, "I don't know if I can."

"Then let's fix it, me and you," Tori took Jade's hands again. "Please."

"I'm sorry," Jade replied, "but we're over. You don't trust me anyways, right?"

Jade ran out of the classroom and into the hallway.

Tori didn't know what to do. She just stood there, somewhat breathless. She knew that it was more than just the play that was mixed in with that. She could feel it.

"Wow," Sikowitz said.

Tori turned around on her heel. She almost forgot that she was being watched by her class.

"That was some intense stuff, guys. I mean, I could feel your pain through those words. You both did a wonderful job." He walked up on the stage and took Tori's paper. "Okay, Jade," he shouted, "you can come on out now!"

Jade didn't come back through the door.

Tori stood there, motionless. She couldn't get her feet to move.

"Jade," Sikowitz shouted again.


"Um, Beck," he stated. "Could you go and get your girlfriend?"

Tori turned around to face Sikowitz. "They broke up," she replied. She looked at Beck angrily, "He cheated on her."

"Oh," Sikowitz cleared his throat. "My mistake. Why don't you go get her, Tori?"

Tori's heart clogged her throat and she nodded, "Okay," she walked off stage and out the classroom door.

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