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     After school was over, Jade carpooled with Tori back to her place. They arrived at Tori's and were greeted by her parents.

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Vega," Jade stated. "We have some wonderful news."

     "Oh what is it, girls," Mrs. Vega asked with excitement.

     "Well," Tori replied, "today Jade and I have been casted as two main characters of a play entitled 'One With My Soul'."

"Awesome, guys," Mrs. Vega congratulated. "What's it about?"

"Um were not sure yet," Jade replied. "We're just now starting to get a good look at the script."

"Well don't let us keep you," Mr. Vega insisted. "Go on! Rehearse!"

Tori and Jade went up stairs with snacks and drinks to start looking over the play.

"So," Jade started, "are you excited for the play?"

"Hell yeah I am," Tori replied. "Especially since I'm doing it with my best friend."

Jade's heart broke a little bit at that as she was reading over the script. "There's like nothing here. I wonder what that's about."

     Tori started flipping through the pages, "Huh. Must've been a bad printer or something. Let's just study what we have now."

     "Sounds like a plan, man."

They both chuckled and started rehearsing.

They finished rehearsing at around midnight and Jade went down on the couch to sleep. Tori was lying in bed confused, still flipping through her script.

Then she heard a knock on the door. She looked to see Trina leaning on her doorframe.

"Oh. Hey, Sis. What's up," she asked Trina.

"Nothin' much," she replied. "I just got a question.

"Alright." Tori sat up and set her papers on her nightstand. She patted the space beside her, "What's up?"

Trina sat down and started fiddling with her thumbs. "Do you wanna talk to me about anything? Anything at all?"

     Tori furrowed her eyebrows, "Um I don't think so," she nervously laughed. "Weren't you the one who came in here with a question?"

     Trina laughed, "Okay I'm gonna be kinda blunt here."

     "Oh, alright. Let's hear it."

     Trina took a quick breath, "Do you like Jade?"

     "Well yeah," Tori replied. "She's sleeping right on the—"

     "No, no, no. I mean do you like Jade?"

     Tori's stomach dropped, "Oh. Um," she started to blush intensely, "I—"

     "So you do," Trina asked chirpily. "You're getting all flustered," she teased.

     "I am not," Tori said defensively.

     "Are too," Trina teased again.

     "Okay so what if I did supposedly like Jade? What does that matter?"

     Trina shrugged her shoulders, "I just," she exhaled, trying to find words. "I just want my sister to be happy," she smiled.

     Tori smiled and looked down at her script again. "Okay," she said admit-tingly, "maybe I do like Jade."

     Trina squealed, "Aw yay! You two would look so cute together, too!"

     Tori laughed, "Shut up."

     Trina leaned over and hugged Tori.

     "And hey," Trina continued. "I'm always gonna love you. It doesn't matter if you like penis or vagina, you'll always be my best friend."

     "Trina," Tori scolded.

     "Hey, it's true," Trina laughed.

Trina bid her farewells and went off to bed, leaving Tori to dwell on the butterflies in her stomach.


I so hope I can get some reads with this.
Comment, vote & share please!!

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