Day Two

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     ****Viewer discretion advised: A bit of sexual shit****

     Jade sighed as she rolled over in bed, wrapping her arm around the warm body next to her and tuning out the damned birds chirping outside.

     She opened her eyes and, to her disappointment, saw Beck's bare back facing her. She ran her fingers down his spine and placed her hand on his back, feeling it expand and relax as he breathed. He was warm. . . he was always warm.

Her mind was swamped with foggy memories of last night. The last thing she remembered was getting very, very drunk. Her heart panged with sadness as she was slammed with the fact that she missed Tori. It'd barely been two days and she missed her terribly.

A single tear slipped out of her eye and ran down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and sniffled. She couldn't be vulnerable, not now.

The alarm clock on Beck's nightstand blared, waking him up. He sat up and groaned, rubbing at his face with one hand and turning off his alarm clock with the other.

Jade stayed where she was and just stared at him, smiling at his grogginess. She loved him, she knew that.

"Good morning," Beck smiled.

"Morning," Jade replied. "You have your alarm set really late," she laughed.

"Huh? What do you mean," Beck looked at his alarm clock and muttered, "Shit. It's set for the wrong one. We gotta go, babe."

Jade sat up and grabbed her clothes that were lying at the foot of the bed. They both quickly got dressed and walked out of Beck's camper.

"How the hell can you set your alarm clock for the wrong-"

"Shut up, Jade, okay," Beck spat as they both got into his car.

"Jesus, Beck. Calm your tits,"

"Yeah, fuck you too," he growled, starting up the car.

      Jade huffed and got out of the car.

     "Oh, where the hell are you going," Beck groaned as he rolled down the window.

     "Walking," Jade said as she pulled her bag over her shoulder.

     "Suit yourself," Beck growled. He rolled up the window and burned rubber as he sped off to school.

     "Fucking, dick," Jade shouted at him. She groaned and kicked a rock that was on the pavement. Luckily school was only about a ten minute walk.

     As she started walking, she pulled out her Pearphone, trying to distract herself from the overwhelming thoughts of Tori. However, that did the exact opposite: she was typing Tori's name in the search bar on theSlap. She went to her profile and saw she hadn't posted anything in two days.

     "Fuck," Jade whispered to herself. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "Fuck this," she whispered.

     Instead of going to school, Jade turned on her heel and started walking towards her place. She didn't wanna be around people today.

     She arrived at her place and threw her satchel, shoes, and jacket into the floor. She collapsed into bed and groaned. She missed Tori so badly.

     She sighed and sat up, walked into her bathroom, and a looked in her mirror. She took off her shirt and stared at herself, studying her reflection: A battered, scarred, and scared girl. She sighed again and walked back to her bed, biting her thumbnail.

     Suddenly a thought protruded her mind: a very dirty one. She laid back in her bed and unbuttoned her pants, sliding them down her legs and then took off her panties.

     She hadn't done this in a long time. She never had much of a reason to or the time, but now she did. Jade took a deep breath and slide her fingers down her body to her center, sending chills up her torso.

     Jade put her index and middle finger in first and bit her lip. She closed her eyes as she took her other hand and started massaging her clit. She gasped and slid her ring finger in next. Moaning, she arched her back and wiggled her fingers and rubbed as fast as she could.

     "Fuck," she whispered. All she could think of was Tori. God, the things she'd do and give for Tori to be doing this, and more, to her right now.

     She shoved her fingers in and out, faster and harder. She pulse was skyrocketing and she was soon reaching her climax. She knew all her sweet spots and they were definitely helping.

     With one final moan, she came onto her bed. She laid there breathless for a moment and started again. She had a very high stamina and sex drive. Even better than Beck's.

     Her fingers were getting tired but she didn't care. She needed to feel better. She came again and she got up, washed her hands, and dialed a number into her Pearphone.

     "Hey," Jade whispered. "Would you mind coming over? I'm-I—"

     "On my way," a sultry, female voice replied.

     The line clicked and Jade smirked to herself. The girl wasn't Tori, but damn. Anyone would suffice her at this point, even the number she dialed in her phone. She didn't want to keep doing all the hard work herself.

     Jade kept herself preoccupied as she was waiting for her visitor by fucking herself even more. She couldn't be more pleased when she heard a knock on the door.

Hey, guys. Work has been hectic, my family is falling apart, and I'm still writing! I'm really hoping my Mom & Dad divorce soon... that's kinda sad lol.
Who do you think the mystery girl is? Comment ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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