Day One

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"Thanks, Mrs. Vega," Jade replied, handing her back her phone.

"Are you okay, Jade?"

Jade nodded, blinking away the tears that were quickly filling her eyes. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm—I'm gonna go ahead and go. Thanks," her voice cracked and she walked to her car before Tori's mom could say anything more.

She got in her car, started it up, and backed out of the driveway. She decided to drive down the coast. She had to think.

     As she ventured down the highway, running her fingers through her wildly blowing hair, her mind was filled with all of the endless possible situations Tori could be in right now: She could be kidnapped, she could be with a girl, she could be by herself, in jail—her mind was rampant and she could barely keep up with it.

     She groaned and pressed harder on the gas pedal, pushing over 100mph. How ironic it was that as soon as Tori was gone, she's all Jade can think of, but when she's with her, all she wants to do is push her away. She was so frustrated with herself.

     As the sun was blaring, Jade decided she might as well head to the beach. She pulled into the parking lot and got out of her car, completely oblivious to the stares she was receiving due to her dark, long attire.

     She walked down the boardwalk and took off her tennis shoes and socks once she reached the end, eager for some sort of pain. It didn't even shock her with pain when she walked on the burning, hot sand.

     Disappointed, Jade walked along the shoreline, watching her feet press into the wet sand and feeling the cold water rhythmically lap her skin. She took a deep breath of the salty air and exhaled. She was calm—clear.

     She took another deep breath and closed her eyes. She whispered, "I love Tori Vega," she smiled as she felt the breeze snatch her words as they flowed off her tongue. "I'm in love with Tori Vega," she repeated again, smiling even bigger. Time seemed to slow, maybe even stop, as she whispered that sentence. She giggled to herself and opened her eyes.

     The water was crashing with waves and surfers gliding on them. The seagulls were screaming and people were laughing, shouting. The warm breeze was slamming against her face and the water was reassuringly kissing her toes. She sighed and wished that Tori could be here with her.

     A hand touched her shoulder and hope radiated through her chest for a split second. She turned around and Beck was standing there, smiling, "Hey, princess," he kissed her cheek. "I thought you'd be here. It's your favorite place to think," he smiled again.

     "Oh," Jade said, disappointed, "hey, Beck."

     "What's a matter," Beck asked.

     "Nothing, nothing," Jade smiled reassuringly.

     "Come on, now," Beck groaned. "Jade West doesn't go to the beach for kicks."

     "Shut up," Jade laughed. "You know I'd tell you if something was wrong, Beck."

     "Mhm," Beck rolled his eyes.

     "Just being honest," Jade whispered. She looked down at the sand and sighed.

"Wanna go get something to eat and. . . talk about it?"

"I'm down for food," Jade sighed and looked up to him, "just not talking."

     Beck slowly nodded, "That's good enough for me," he held his hand out for Jade to take. She looked at it and hesitantly grasped it with hers.

     "I love you," Beck smiled.

     Jade smiled and kissed his cheek, "I know."

Ugh I'm so sorry I haven't kept to my update schedule. I'm feeling much better now and up and walking. My week's been filled with sleeping and video games lol. I'm back at it now :)

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