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⚠️WARNING⚠️: This could possibly
be a triggering chapter so I advise you
to skip if you do not wish to risk it!

"Watch your head," a policeman cautioned as Jade was put into the back of the cop car. The door closed and she embraced the silence, letting it constrict around her eardrums and her lungs.

The two policeman got into the car and started to drive. Police codes were blabbering over their radios as they started to drive down the interstate.

Jade closed her eyes, accepting the fact that this would be a huge damper on her future: jobs, college applications, anything really. Who would want a felon?

Suddenly the car stopped.

We can't be there already, Jade thought as she opened her eyes.

That's because they weren't. They were in an alleyway.

Jade's stomach was doing somersaults and she started to panic.

"What's going on," Jade asked trying to sound cool.

The cop in the driver's seat, who was white and looked to be in his mid-40s with brown eyes, turned around.

"Don't say a fucking word," he warned.

Jade gulped as her heartbeat started to quicken.

The cop in the passenger seat, black who looked to be in his late 30s and brown eyes, got out of the car and into Jade's seat.

The air suddenly became nonexistent and Jade couldn't breathe. She froze. She just stared into his eyes and all of a sudden he was on top of her, shoving his hand down her pants and sucking on her neck.

Jade screamed, "Get off of me," she kneed him in his stomach and tried for the door behind her. Locked.

"Oh boy. We've got a fighter, Tom," the man taunted.

"Fuck yeah we do," the cop replied with his hand in his own pants.

"Help," Jade screamed, "help!"

"Oh no one's gonna hear you, darling," the cop taunted.

He grabbed Jade's leg and pulled her back down under him.

"Get off, get off, get off!"

Suddenly, he pulled out his gun from its holster and pointed it at her forehead.

Jade's breath hitched in her chest as she stared down the barrel of that gun. It seemed as if her entire life flashed before her eyes. And all she saw was Tori. That's all she wanted to see.

"Stop. Screaming," the cop warned, "or I will fucking shoot you."

Tears were streaming down Jade's face as she closed her eyes, "Just—please don't hurt me," she pleaded.

The cop smiled, "Oh trust me, honey, I won't. I'll just make sure you'll have trouble walking," he snickered.

She had no idea how long it lasted. Two minutes or twenty minutes or two hours. It seemed like eternity, yet it also seemed like it happened so quickly.

With every thrust of him in her, all she felt was fear and shame and agony and disgust. She was disgusted with herself.

He pulled out and put it into her mouth. She gagged and bit down on the obstruction in her mouth.

The cop screamed and covered himself, "Fucking whore! What the fuck did I ever do to you," he whimpered and tears rolled down his face.

All Jade wanted to do was go home. Go home and stay there. Hide. She wanted to be alone.

All of these emotions swallowed her at once: disgust, anger, fear, pain, shame, shock. They were all devouring her and it was already killing her.

"Let's go ahead and take her, Trey," the white cop insisted. "We had our fun. She won't say shit."

"The bitch bit my dick!"

"What the fuck did you expect, moron! That was a new thing that you didn't tell me you were gonna try."

"Well I know you like surprises," he chuckled.

The cop got out of Jade's seat and back into the passenger seat where he kissed the male cop next to him.

"Do you wanna make me feel better," Trey whispered.

"Fuck yeah I do," Tom replied. He bent down and started doing what Jade didn't do.

Jade sharply exhaled and wiped away the tears from her face with her shoulder. She hooked her index fingers on her belt loops and started to shimmy her jeans up her legs.

Suddenly, Jade felt utterly repulsed with her clothes. Bile crept up her throat and she swallowed it down as she tried to contain herself.

She needed to calm down. Instantly, Tori popped up in her mind: her laugh, her smile. The way she bounced on her toes when she walked and how shy she was. Her sense of humor, her gorgeous looks. The way she bit her lip and scrunched her nose while she was thinking and her angelic voice. Tori Vega. She was Jade's calm.

The car started and Tom turned around to face Jade, "Not. A. Word."

Then they were driving to the police station.

That was intense.
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