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     The next day, Jade woke up for school. Her sinuses ached from crying and her stomach was in knots. She sniffled and took off her smelly clothes from yesterday.

     She looked in the mirror at her naked body and frowned: she hated what she saw. She tugged at the flab under her arms and around her belly. She hated the little indentations around her thighs and ass. She wished she could just cut it all off. Then she saw the white and purple hypertrophic scars all over herself.

     She sighed and shook it off. She couldn't fall apart today. Not today.

     She threw on some black jeans and combat boots with a black tank top with a jacket over it.

     Then she was off to school.

     Tori woke up to her alarm blaring. She rolled over and turned it off and sighed. She rubbed her hands on her face and eyes, trying to wake up.

     Her hands flung on the bed with a thud and she stared at her ceiling for a moment. Thinking about Jade yesterday.

     Why would she do that, Tori pondered. I had no idea she felt that way. What if I feel that way? What if I'm gay?

     Tori quickly leapt out of bed for a five minute shower. She decided to curl her hair and put on a pair of jeans with a red v-neck.

     She looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. It was time for a pep talk. "Okay, if you're actually gay, what's the bad thing about it? What's so bad about being gay, Tori? What is so bad," She paused for a moment and it was as if she was struck by lighting. "Nothing if you're with Jade," she smiled. However, the smile quickly turned into a frown. The repercussions of coming out to her family was something she didn't think about. Of course, she'd have Jade and that'd be great, but what if her family didn't approve? What if she got disowned? What if she didn't have a family anymore? It didn't matter...not anymore.

     She had to see Jade.

     She ran down the stairs, out the door, and into her car. She had to get there early so she could talk to Jade.

     After a short drive, Tori pulled into Hollywood Arts. Luckily, Jade's car pulled in at the same time and Tori quickly got out of her car.

     She and Jade made eye contact and, obviously embarrassed, Jade was quickening her pace to the school.

     "Wait," Tori called out after her. "Wait! Jade!"

     Jade stopped as Tori jogged after her.

     "I thought you didn't wanna talk to me anymore, Vega," Jade replied whilst pulling her backpack strap up her shoulder.

     "Yeah, about that," Tori continued, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know how to handle it, like—I didn't know you felt that way about me."

     Jade scoffed, "Well it isn't something that you really brag about."

     Tori smiled, "Yeah, you're right. It still gave me no right to act how I did and I just wanted to apologize because—" she stopped.

     Jade furrowed her eyebrows, "Because?"

     Tori smiled again, "Because," she inhaled.

     Jade arched her eyebrow out of curiosity.

     Suddenly, they were both interrupted by a car pulling up. They looked and Jade scowled. It was Beck's car.

     Beck got out first and he walked around to open the passenger door to reveal Cat getting out. He looked at Tori and Jade and pinned Cat up against the car. He kissed her deeply and was rubbing his hands all over her.

     Jade and Tori scoffed and Jade said, "Do you wanna get out of here? I don't particularly prefer watching Thing One and Two practically fucking each other in the parking lot."

     Tori laughed, "Yeah let's go."

     They both started to walk in the school and Jade turned to Tori, "So what were you trying to say a minute ago?"

     Tori looked down at her feet and softly smiled, "I'll tell ya later."

     Jade smiled, "Okay."

     They both got to the doors and Jade held one open for Tori. She smiled and said, "Thanks."

     Then they were both off to class. 

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