Break Her

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     Tori was overwhelmed with apprehension as she stared at Sam's bike. "Are we really gonna ride this," she looked at the helmet in her hands. "It's dark," she gulped as she looked at the night sky.

     "Oh, cut the chiz," Sam sighed, getting on her bike and fastening her helmet on. "I'm surprised you haven't done this with Jade."

     Tori scoffed, "Trust me, that'd be a dream come true. I'd be terrified but I don't think I could handle being so close-"

     "Blah, blah, blah," Sam interrupted. "Get on," she started up the bike and revved the engine. "You'll love it," she shouted. "Maybe once you ride, you'd get Jade to love it too!"

     Tori smiled and took a deep breath. She got on the bike, hesitantly put her helmet on, and wrapped her arms tightly around Sam's waist.

     "Everything good," Sam asked.

     Tori nodded, "Y-yeah."

     "Alright! Hold on to your pants," she revved the engine again and bolted out of the driveway.

     Tori yelped and squeezed Sam tighter, trying to keep her balance. Tori pressed her head against Sam's back and pleaded with her to slow down but Sam only laughed and continued, if not increased, her high speed.

     Sam was weaving in between cars as they were speeding down the road and Tori was absolutely terrified.

     After the initial shock wore off, however, Tori found herself smiling. She loosened her grip on Sam and looked to see where they were going. The cold wind was slamming against her face, making her eyes water slightly but she didn't care.

     She felt free.

     She giggled and rested her chin on Sam's shoulder.

     "Everything okay there, Tori," Sam smiled.

     "Yeah, everything's great!"

     Suddenly, blue lights started flashing behind them. Tori looked back and saw a police cruiser was chasing them.

     "Shit," Sam cursed. She revved her engine and started going faster. Luckily, there was a stretch of road ahead with no cars on it. "Here we go, Vega! Hold on!"

     Tori did as she said and braced herself.

     Sam gunned all the way down the stretch, trying to evade the cop behind them. Tori looked down at the speedometer and watched it climb. She was surprised when she saw they were going 130mph and the cruiser was still chasing them.

     "Do you trust me," Sam yelled.


     "Eh, its close enough," Sam shrugged. "Hold on!"

     Sam hit the brakes and went across the median to the other set of lanes. The police cruiser slowed as well but it only spun instead of drifting, disabling the car. Once Sam got her bearings, she increased her speed and started blending in with the heavier traffic.

     "That was a close one," Sam laughed.

     "That's quite the understatement there, Puckett," Tori laughed.

      "Just another night in Seattle! Wanna go to Inside Out Burger?"

     "Always," Tori laughed.

They pulled into the parking lot and Sam cut the engine, letting Tori get off first then herself. They put their helmets on the handlebars and Tori smiled, "That was such a rush," she laughed as she ran her fingers through her hair.

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