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Tori woke up the next morning with her sinuses pounding. Her throat was sore and she couldn't breath through her nose.

All she did when Jade was taken away was cry. Literally. Her parents wouldn't let her see her. They drove her straight home, took away her keys and told her to stay in her room.

Tori got up out of bed, realizing she was still in her school clothes from yesterday, and walked to her bathroom.

She looked in her mirror and was met with red, puffy, bloodshot eyes. A vein had burst in her right eye, clouding the subtle red with a deeper red. The skin around and under her eyes was swollen and hot. Her cheeks and forehead were tinted pink and her nose was red and irritated.

Tori closed her eyes and was smashed with pressure around her eyes and her forehead. She groaned and grabbed some toilet paper. She blew into it, only releasing very small and difficult gushes of air.

She groaned and bent over the sink, rubbing at her sore throat. She couldn't go to school like this.

She walked back to her bed and pulled the covers over her head, trying to have some moisture unclog her nose. She could somewhat breathe so she fell back to sleep for a little while.

     She woke up and looked at her alarm clock: 6:27 pm. She sighed and looked at her now dark ceiling. She had to see Jade, no matter what it took.

Tori got out of bed and threw on a pair of leggings and a tanktop. She put on her glasses and listened for her parents. She could hear the TV blasting from downstairs so she had to use her window. Thankfully, her shoes were outside by the front door. All she had to do was jump.

Thoughts and doubts were scrambling through her mind as she opened her window: What if she gets caught? What's Jade doing? Will she get in trouble? Will she break something?

A light breeze puffed in her face and swarmed her room when the window was completely open.

She looked down and estimated it was about ten feet. It couldn't be too bad.

Her heart was racing as she swung her legs out of the window. Sitting on the edge, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

She simply let go.

Her feet impacted hard with the concrete below her and she ground her teeth in pain, trying to suppress a groan. As soon as she hit the ground, it felt as if someone shoved a hot poker up her legs and wrapped jagged cuffs around her ankles. She rubbed at her legs since there was still lingering pain and put on her tennis shoes.

     She shook off the pain and pulled out her Pearphone.

     Before starting the journey to the police station completely, Tori decided to check TheSlap. It was flooded with Jade's fight. There were already ten different stories as to what happened and why it happened.

     Tori rolled her eyes, already regretting what she did, and called a cab.

     However long it took, she was going to get to Jade.

Tori arrived at the station about twenty minutes later. Somewhat breathless, she stopped in front of the door, flooded with relief from the fact that they were still open.

     She took a deep breath and opened the door.

     "Hi," she said to the officer standing at the reception.

     "Hello," he replied dully while still looking at some papers on his desk.

     "I have a question."

     "What could it possibly be," he sarcastically wondered.

     "I need to know what jail my friend is currently staying at."

     He looked at her, "You mean you don't know?"

     She shook her head.

     He sighed and started flipping through his pages, "What's your friend's name?"

     "Jade West."

     "Was she arrested today?"

     "No. Yesterday."

     He stopped on a page and dragged his thumb down a list of names, "Ah I found her."

     Tori leaned in closer.

     "She's at Valley State Prison in Chowchilla."

     "Oh. Okay when are it's hours?"

     "Open 6-7 and visitations have to be scheduled."

     Tori frowned, "Thank you so much."

     She walked out the door and breathed in the syrup-like air. The moisture filled her clogged lungs and nose and she deeply exhaled. At least she knew where Jade was, and tomorrow, she was going to see her and finally tell her.


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