Sour Cream

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   "So what do you think," Jade asked Tori. "Do you wanna try it?"

     Tori smiled, "I think I do. How about you?"

     Jade smiled, "I'm in if you are."

     Tori looked at Jade, "Sweet. You can come over to my house tonight and we'll start rehearsing."

     "Sounds like a plan," Jade replied.

     They both smiled and got in line to buy some tacos.

     "What're you gonna get," Tori asked Jade.

     "Probably the taco salad. How about you?"

     "Only the best thing on their menu."

     "Oh really," Jade challenged. "And what may that be, Miss Vega?"

     "Okay are you ready to be overloaded with awesomeness?"

     Jade smiled, "As I'll ever be."

     Tori leaned in and whispered, "The burrito supreme."

     Jade made a shocked face, "Wowwww I was not prepared for the awesomeness that you just delivered to me, Tori. Not at all."

     Tori smiled, "I know, right. It's uh-mazing!"

     They both got their food and Tori asked, "So where do you wanna sit?"

     Jade sighed and puffed her chest out a little, "Were gonna sit where we always do."

     "Are you sure—"

     "Positive," Jade interrupted.

     They both walked over to their usual spot and sat down in between André and Robbie. Across from them was Beck and Cat, whom didn't even realize that Jade and Tori sat down. They were too busy staring at each other and whispering.

     "Ahem," Jade cleared her throat.

     Beck and Cat looked up and their faces quickly turned serious. They broke apart and started to eat their food in silence.

     "Y'all did great in Sike's class today," André stated, trying to start conversation.

     "Thanks," Tori and Jade said in unison. They both looked at each other and smiled.

     Jade got out a sour cream packet and tore it open a little bit. She pointed it at her salad but turned the opening a bit to Beck and Cat.

     Tori was observing her and had to stifle back a laugh at what was about to happen.

     Jade squeezed the packet and sour cream squirted all over Beck and Cat. They both stood up and Beck screamed, "What the fuck!"

     "Oops," Jade replied. "I swear these things have a mind of their own sometimes," she tossed the packet in her untouched salad and crossed her arms in victory.

     Tori was trying her best to conceal the laughter by drinking her water, and André and Robbie were just stunned.

     "That was a dick move, Jade," Cat squealed.

     "You know what a dick move was, Cat? How you fucked my boyfriend," Jade took her salad and threw it at Beck.

     "Jade what the hell are you doing," Beck shouted.

     "Just trying to enact some sort of revenge on you whores," she responded. She was white-knuckling the table.

     "Look," Beck stated dryly whilst wiping the sour cream from his eyes. "I apologized to you and I asked if you'd come back! I did my best—"

     "'Did your best'," Jade screamed. "If you did 'your best', you never would have cheated on me in the first place!"

"Look, Jade I'm sorry!"

"Yeah and I'm Abraham Lincoln," she sarcastically replied.

Tori choked on her water.

"Fuck off, Jade. Get a goddamn life," Beck took Cat's arm and they both walked into the school.

Jade's face was glowing for a moment but then it was as if reality had smacked it. Her smiled turned into a frown.

Tori put her arm around Jade, "That was fucking gold, Jade!"

Jade smiled at the warm arm draped around her shoulders, "Yeah, it was, wasn't it?"

"Hell yeah it was! Here have the other half of my burrito," she slid her plate to her and Jade picked it up.

Tori cleared her throat, "I'd like to make a toast: Here's to Jade and her bad-assery!"

"Here, here," Jade replied and they tapped their burritos together.

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