The Fight

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Tori and Jade sat down beside each other in the theatre room. Their lunch trays were in their laps and their legs were propped up on the chairs in front of him.

"So this so-called 'play' seems a bit ridiculous don't you think," Jade said.

"Fuck yes it does. Like, I appreciate Sikowitz thought of us, but I have no idea how this improvised thing is gonna work."

"Like you said: We gotta 'figure it out'," Jade mocked.

Tori rolled her eyes and laid her head back on her chair.

Jade stared at Tori's exposed neck and bit her lip. She crossed her legs as she began to feel throbbing between them.

Her throat started to become dry and she swallowed as hard as she could but it couldn't quite quench the different thirst she was experiencing.

Just the sight of Tori's neck made her feel things she hadn't felt in awhile. Even with Beck. Jade ever so badly wanted to press her lips against Tori's hot neck and pull on her long, brown hair as she traced her tongue down her collarbone. She wanted her fingers traveling down Tori's perfect thighs and—
Her heartbeat started to quicken and she squeezed her legs together tighter.

     Jade saw Tori slowly turn her head to her and she quickly turned away.

     "Everything okay, Jade?"

     Jade looked back at Tori, "Huh? Oh—yeah of course. Everything—everything is fine," she smiled and looked back down at her food.

Obviously confused, Tori furrowed her eyebrows and returned back to what she was doing.

Jade took another quick glance and continued eating her food. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tori open one eye and watched her eat for a moment. She immediately blushed. What if she was thinking the same things?

"Do you wanna go on a walk," Tori asked.

Jade stopped stabbing her salad, "A walk?"

"Mhm. A walk."

"Alright. When and where?"


"Now," Jade repeated.

"Yup. We haven't really done much together."

Jade smiled, "Alright, Vega. We'll go on a walk."

Suddenly they heard the theatre room door slam against the wall. They both looked to see Beck and Cat in a passionate kissing frenzy.

Jade scoffed, "Don't you whores have somewhere else to fuck!"

Beck and Cat both looked up, alarmed to see Jade and Tori. Cat tucked a tendril of her red hair behind her ear and looked down, embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry," Beck laughed. "Don't wanna interrupt you dykes now, do I?"

"Excuse me," Jade screamed.

"You fucking heard me," he shouted back.

Jade stood up and Tori pleaded with her to stay seated and not let him get to her but she didn't listen.

She marched up to Beck and punched him right across his face.

She grabbed him by the collar of his t-shirt, "Don't you ever, ever talk about her like that again! Do you under-fucking-stand me?"

Beck smirked, "Dyke."

Jade huffed and slammed him down into the floor. She stomped on his face, breaking his nose and picked him up again, "What was that, Beck? I didn't hear you because I was too busy staring at the dick stuck on your forehead!"

His eyes were watering and he covered his nose, trying to stop the blood from running down his face, "Fucking, bitch!"

He pushed her and she fell with him in her arms. She slammed into the floor, knocking the wind out of her and recovered quickly. Trying to catch her breath, she got on top of him.

"Reminds me of simpler times," Beck snickered. "Now all I need is for you to take that top off," he ran his hands up her torso and Jade stood up, twisted his arm and stomped on his elbow, breaking his arm.

Beck screamed and cradled his arm.

Jade pulled him up by the collar of his shirt again and got nose-to-nose with him, "If you ever talk about her like that again, I swear to God I will fucking end you. Got it?"

Beck nodded quickly and she dropped him on his broken arm. He groaned and rolled over on his other arm.

Jade closed her eyes and put her hands on top of her head so she could try to catch her breath. She glanced up and saw Tori. She completely forgot about her. She quickly walked up to her,

"Hey, hey. Are you okay? Are you—" she realized that she had Tori's face cradled in her bloodied hands and she quickly pulled them away, shoving them into her pockets. She winced and pulled them out, harshly realizing that she'd broken a few bones.

     Tori just stared at Jade in awe, "I—"

     "Jade West," interrupted a very angry voice.

      Tori and Jade looked up to see Principal Dubois standing at the door with her arms crossed.

"My office! Now," she turned around and walked out of the theatre room.

Cat looked at at Jade and smirked, "That's what you get for fucking up the best man in the world you bitch."

Jade growled and Tori grabbed her arm. "Jade."

She looked to Tori, "What is it?"


Principal Dubois was standing in the doorway and yelled, "West!"

Jade looked apologetically at Tori and stroked her cheek with her thumb, then walked up to the principal.

"I love you," Tori whispered with Jade out of earshot.

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