First Step

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Jade pulled up next to a bridge and parked the car. "Get out."

Tori quickly got out of the car and threw the rest of her salad in the trash. "Where are we?"

Jade grabbed her hand, "Come on."

Tori's arm jolted a bit in response to the clammy hand in hers. Ever since Jade's mixed gestures to her, she was a sea of confusion.

Jade lead her up a hill and through a short area of woods. Tori squinted and up ahead she saw a camper.

"Where are we?"

"It's where I live," Jade sighed.

Tori blushed from embarrassment.

They approached the camper and Jade fumbled through her keys to find the one that unlocked her door. Once she did, they both entered and Tori was surprised with how spacious it actually was.

There was a marble counter to her immediate left which housed a dishwasher, mini fridge, and a decent sized sink. Further on along, there was a booth. At the end of the camper was a pleather sofa which converted into a pull out bed and a TV hung up on the wall. Tori also observed that there was a stove directly across from the counter. To her right, there was the bedroom: A queen bed with an emerald green comforter, a dresser, and there was a tv setting on the dresser.

"Nice place you got here, Jade."

Jade set her keys down on the counter, "Yeah, you could say that," she scoffed and took off her jacket and flung it on the floor. "Want anything to drink," she asked as she bent down to examine what all was in her mini fridge.

Tori replied, "Oh no, thanks."

Jade stood up with two hard ciders in her hand. "Sit down," she gestured over to the bed.

Tori accepted her invitation and sat down. She crossed her legs and drummed her fingertips on her thigh while Jade popped the tops off of the bottles.

Jade walked over to Tori and handed her a bottle, "I said I didn't want—"

"Oh come on, Vega. Live a little!"

Tori smirked and took the bottle. She made eye contact with Jade and took a long drink as Jade sat down beside her.

Tori took the bottle away from her mouth and coughed momentarily which roused a chuckle from Jade. "First sort-of drink," Jade questioned.

"Maybe," Tori laughed.

Jade laughed in response and took a swig of her own drink.

"So," Tori started. "What are we doing here exactly?"

Jade sighed and pressed the cold bottle onto her forehead, "I don't know, Tori. I really don't. I just know that I can't see him right now."

Tori frowned and put her arm around Jade. "It's gonna be hard for awhile, it really is, Jade, but you listen here: I know you whether you like it or not. If I know one thing about you it's that you're one of the strongest people I know and you're gonna kick heartbreak right in its ass."

Jade chuckled and as did Tori.

Jade looked at Tori, "From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Truly, Tori. You've been there for me through my entire bumpy road with Beck and," she cleared her throat, "I have completely taken you for granted. I've treated you like shit ever since I laid my eyes on you and the only reason I can think of as to why I did that is because I was jealous at first. I was jealous of your perfect hair and your perfect body and I was scared. I was scared that you'd take Beck. I was scared that you were a threat.

"All of that passed later. After I got to know you, I wasn't so scared because I came to learn that you weren't his type. Even when I realized that though, I was still a bitch to you. Every day. And as I sit here talking to you, I can only think of one other reason why," Jade sharply inhaled and looked down at her feet.

"Hey," cooed Tori. She took her other hand and tilted her chin up to her. "You can tell me anything, Jade. Don't be afraid."

Jade whispered, "You're probably gonna hate me," as Tori noticed beads of sweat were starting to form at her brow.

"I could never hate you," Tori laughed.

Jade smiled, "We'll see."

Tori felt Jade wrap her other hand around the nape of her neck and saw her glance down at her lips. It was as if all time stopped. Their lips were centimeters apart and all she could feel was Jade's hot breath against her mouth. She could feel Jade slowly leaning closer, and knew she was waiting for her to say something but she just couldn't. She couldn't think, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't move, she couldn't do anything.

     So Jade closed the gap.

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