Back From The Dead

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     Jade couldn't believe Tori was gone. . . just like that. Her heart was in shambles as she hugged her knees to her chest and leaned her back against the hot barrier. All she could do was cry.

She stood up and paced back and forth for a moment, then fell down on her knees again. She put her hand on her stomach and one over her mouth as she cried even harder. She couldn't get the thought out her her goddamned head: Tori Vega died.

"She's gone," she whispered to herself, "sh-she's gone," she gulped. Her mind was swamped with the last thing she did, the last thing she was doing when Tori saw her. She'd never forgive herself for hurting Tori like that. How could she be so fucking stupid?

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and—she thought she was dreaming—a kiss on the back of her head. She turned around and saw no one, but she could still feel the fingers pressed into her. As soon as she felt it, it was gone.

     Jade sniffled and wiped her eyes. She had to get to the hospital, it was the only way, the only way she could be sure. She got up and ran as fast as she could to her car. Once she arrived, she immediately started it up, backed it to the shoulder, and sped off the exit. She had no idea how many laws she just broke but she didn't care. Tori was her top priority.

Her brakes screeched as she pulled into the hospital and as she pulled into a parking spot. All she wanted to do was see Tori, that's all that she could do.

     She raced to the emergency room and straight to the emergency desk.

     "I need to see the family of Tor-Victoria Vega," she painted. "Please, it's an emergency."

     "Um, ma'am? You do realize that-"

     "Yes I know how I fucking look but it still doesn't change the fact that I need to see her," Jade shouted.

     "That wasn't what I was going to—"

     "Well then what? What was so important that you just had to question me like that?"

     "Jade," interrupted a voice.

     Jade looked over to see Tori's mom standing at the doorway.

     "M-Mrs. Vega," Jade stuttered. "I-I need—"

     "Yes, I know," she motioned Jade to come in.

     Jade looked down to the receptionist, "Suck it," she glanced at her name tag, "Helen," and walked over to the doorway.

     The door closed and Jade embraced Tori's mom with all of her strength.

     "I'm so, so sorry," Jade whispered, "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Vega. I—"

     Her voice cracked as she momentarily slipped into a sob, but she immediately pulled away and looked her straight in her eyes.

     "I need to see her, Mrs. Vega. I have to see Tori."

     "Oh, honey, I really don't think you'd want to. I don't really even think it's allowed."

     "You don't understand, I have to see her."

     "Jade, honey, she's in the morgue. I don't think you'd want—"

     And with that, Jade took off to find a map. It didn't take her long to find one and it didn't take long to locate the morgue either, as she presumed it was basement level already.

     She bolted to the stairs and ran as fast she could down them from the fourth floor to the basement. Exhausted, and out of breath, she opened the door and fell into the opposing wall. She gulped in more air and walked as fast as she could down the hallway.

     Their air was cold and smelled of blood as she looked around for something other than a goddamned hallway. She finally saw some nurses and doctors standing off to the side beside a double-doored room.


     She walked up to them and tried to slip past.

     "Excuse me, Miss. May I help you," questioned an Indian doctor.

     "Um. I just need to get in here so if you'd excuse me."

     "Ma'am you can't go in there," he laughed and stood in front of her, blocking her path.

     "Don't tell me what I can't do. Let me in," she tried to shove past.


"Get the fuck out of my way," she shouted.

"You can't go in there!"

Jade stomped on his foot and pushed him into the nurses beside him. She flung the doors open and saw her worst nightmare.

It was true.

     "Tori," she croaked out. She walked over to a silver table where Tori was lying uncovered. She pressed her fingertips on Tori's hair and gulped. Grief swamped her as she stared at the girl who once gave her everything. "Tori," she whispered, "come back to me, please. Please," tears were streaming down Jade's face and onto Tori's. She rested her forehead against Tori's and cried even harder, sobbing into into her neck.

Suddenly, Jade felt and heard a sharp inhale. She pulled away and was stunned, "Tori? T-Tori?"

     "Hey, J-Jade," Tori smiled.

     "You came back," Jade laughed, "you came back to me," she smiled. She was so relieved and happy. Nothing could top this moment.

     She was shoved away by doctors and people she didn't really give a flying fuck about. She was pretty much in shock:

     Tori Vega was back from the dead.

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