Chapter 2

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     March 14, 2017

                                   Rose Marie

"Hey this is Don the owner of Blue Ink. I was calling because I saw your application and would like for you to come in for an interview. When you get this message call me back so we can make that happen." That was the first message that I checked once I got my phone fixed.

It was only suppose to take one day or a few hours for my phone to be fixed but there was so many people there with phone issues that I left it there to be fixed and picked it up today. Don had left that message yesterday and I hope that he didn't fill that position already.

Dialing the number back I wait for him to pick up. Just  as I was about to hang up the phone he answered. He gave me a walk in interview for later today. He said that all I needed was two forms of Id and myself. He also said to dress comfortably because I might just start today. I might goin to lie I got juiced as fuck once he said that.

I had about two hours until I needed to be there so I decided to chill before I had to go. Amber came over yesterday telling me how she and Monica had gotten into it yesterday because Monica was slick talking about me to her and some other girl.

When I see her I'm going to confront her about it because that's some weak Ass shit. You chopping me up to the next bitch when we're supposed to be best friends. I know I got to cut her off after that. Texting her that I was going to come over later so we could talk I close my phone and make me some cereal.

Once I was done with that I checked my phone for the time and to see if she had responded. It said she read the text but didn't respond. If she wanna be Petty then I don't even give a fuck we ain't even got to meet up and talk shit out I'm done with her ass. It's no secret that she's jealous of the both of us.

While it's not the friendship that she's jealous about it's our life that she envy. The fact that Amber has a faithful man by her side while her Nigga out here trying to fuck anything with a whole. I know she's jealous of me because of the attention that I always receive when we go out.

Though I don't like the attention it just seems to follow me. Not even on any conceited shit but I can't help that I'm attractive. After lounging around for another hour I started getting ready for my interview. I decide to go with the laid back look and threw on a T-shirt dress with my fanny pack  and my pink and black vans.

Slicking my hair down and leaving the back into a curly bun I grabbed my lipstick putting some on before I was officially ready. Since it's it a far walk I decide to take my time but making sure that I'm still a few minutes early.

Arriving at Blue Ink I walk in and see a girl sitting on her phone on top of the counter where I left my application and took a seat on one of the chair that was available. It was actually kind of packed in here which isn't a surprise. Texting Don that I'm here I wait for him to come out and get me.

It wasn't even thirty seconds that passed before he came out calling me over. Walking towards him he led me to his office which was nice considering the small space in here. Taking a seat in the chair across from his desk I cross my legs waiting for him to ask me questions.

"So this isn't really an interview because you already have the job which I told you to bring your two forms of ID. I'm in need of a receptionist and I figured I'd give the job to you. All I need to know is if you're available to work 5 days a week and some days when I need you to come in on your day off?" He ask

"Of course. I'm available when you need me. Shit I need a job so bad right now If we're being honest. I do have a few questions though." I say letting him know I'm down to work

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