Chapter 55

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I really be forgetting about my own book cause I be so into other books. On that subject if y'all could please tag at least three other readers who you know in this section of the book I'd appreciate it.

June 26,2018

                          Rose Marie

"I'm your sister" Shelby said for the tenth time today. I thought the bitch would have got the hint yesterday when Jah sent her home but she damn she's back again.

"Bitch please I don't have no sister. Hell I don't even have parents." I said laughing

"I'm serious you're my sister" she said walking closer to me

"Please let me know how" I said still laughing cause this shit has to be a joke. No I know for a fact that this a joke for multiple reasons but I'm going to play dumb with her stupid ass.

"Well when two people get together" she started

"I'm not dumb I know how a baby is born. That wasn't the question better yet how the hell did you even know I was in the hospital. I just got here yesterday am I right?" I asked Jah who nodded still looking at Shelby with a mug.

"Well our parents-" she started but I cut her off cause she was already speaking some bullshit

"Your parents. I don't have any but continue" I said

"Don't be a bitch. They told me about you and I did some looking and digging and found your address. I was on the way to see you when all of that stuff happened and I came straight here" she said

"So many missing pieces to that weak ass story you just came up with. Like girl you're white let's get that out of the way. That's the dead give away because first of all both of my donors are black and I do mean black so that's that. Also you just some how found my address the day I get shot?" I said raising an eyebrow up at her cause to me this shit sounds dumb as fuck

"Yes. I was going to come yesterday but I had to talk myself into it." She said continuing

"Riddle me this then cause this isn't the first time I've seen you before. Yesterday I kept thinking like this girl looks so familiar but I couldn't place where I knew you from and then it came to me" I said smiling At her and I could see it in her eyes that she knew I knew something

"You've never seen me before I can guarantee that" she said with a nervous laugh

"See that's the thing I have. You were the little bitch on live with Nas. Remember you said that your were going to drag me up and down the block because I was being disrespectful to him and that you could take my man?" I asked sitting up some but slowly cause them pain meds done wore off and I was feeling pain in my stomach.

"I don't know a Nas" she said

"Bitch I don't forget faces. So what's up why you really come here cause I'm over all the bullshit" I said looking at her

"Okay shit you got me. I'm here to let you know to watch your back. Nas been on some get back shit and I was with him cause that's my best friend and I ride for mine. Not even knowing the real reason until recently. He told me that he wanted you and that you played him to the left." She said making me side yes her

"Bitch what!? is this a game. Nas I gay as fuck" I said laughing

"That's the thing Nas isn't gay. He play that shit well but he's not, that boy is straighter than a perm, anyways like I was saying I was down to get pay back for you playing him like a bitch until he got hisself caught up in a lie and then I started questioning some shit" she said

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