Chapter 4

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March 17, 2017

Rose Marie

When I tell you that I wasn't even five minutes into my nap before the bullshit started I mean I really wasn't. I could hear yelling upstairs making me want to pull my hair out. I don't know the hell is going on and who's arguing but they need to shut the fuck up.

I tried to block them out but it sounds like the shit was just getting louder and louder by the second. Giving up on trying to go back to sleep I pick up the now water filled bag and pour it into the sink before throwing the bag away and heading upstairs.

Walking into the front I see two girls arguing while Jah looks like he's trying to defuse the situation and everyone else besides Don is entertained by the whole argument. While they're amused by the whole situation I'm lost because I didn't catch the whole argument from the beginning.

Walking over to Black who made room for me to sit on the side of him I tell him to fill me in on the situation. No I'm not a drama filled person but shit they over here arguing and shit and if I have watch it I at least want to know what's going on.

"Uh the girl right there in the blue dress that's Lyric and the girl with the jeans on is a customer. She walked in and asked who was free to do a quick tattoo and I sent her to Jah. As she was watching him draw her up something Lyric walked in and all hell broke loose. By the way it look like someone just beat your ass. What happened to your lip?" He asked once he briefed me in on what's going on

"Walked into Jah and fell into the door hitting my lip." I explained keeping it short.

Nodding his head we both tuned back into the argument. It's like we both looked back just in time because not even a few seconds later Lyric spit on the girl and when I say that girl connected a mean ass left hook to Lyric's face I mean the shit was mean.

I would have felt bad for her being hit like that but she spit in that girls face so she needs her ass whooped. I wish a bitch would spit in my face like that I'd drag her ass all around the block and the some. That's the most disrespectful thing you could do to someone.

After the girl got a few hits in Don jumped up after having enough and helped Jah who was trying to get the girl to let Lyric's hair go. The finally got them apart both of them being hit in the process. Don picked the girl up bring her into his office while Jah brought Lyric into his booth.

"Well that's probably not the welcome back that he was expecting." Black said breaking the silence

I agree with him though. Who the hell wants to come back to work from a vacation to their other half fighting. Especially when they're the ones who started it and got their ass beat. This couldn't be the first time this happened because he low key looked unbothered by the whole thing.

Going back to my chair I hear Jah and his girl arguing and I'm already knowing it's about to cause me a headache because her voice is so fucking annoying. Her voice sounds like a mixture between Whitley from A Different World and the Nanny.

A few minutes later Don comes out escorting the girl out. She looked like she was still mad which she has the right to be since she did get spat on. Once she was gone Don started cleaning up the mess that they made in there. I would have started cleaning it up but it's not my mess.

Jah need to bring his bitch out here so she can clean this shit up. Started all of that to get her ass beat. I can already tell I don't like her because she's making shit hot in here. I can see how insecure she is if she's up in here causing a scene about her asking questions from a tattoo.

I just hope she don't bring all of this energy around with her all the time because the shit is draining. By the time Don was picking the last few things off the floor Jah and Lyric came walking back in and he had an annoyed look on his face as she tried to hold his hand but he wasn't having it.

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