Chapter 40

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September 14,2017

Rose Marie

"Yer he, yer her, oh fucking yer he" Amber says into the mic

"Girl what the fuck" I say causing people to laugh

Today is the gender reveal and so far everything is going great. We did the whole social media entry thing where the first fifty people who came was allowed in. When I say it was more than that hundred lined up to come I mean it was more.

We eventually let some more in but we had to turn some away.It was packed out here in the back which was cool because it meant more gifts and who don't love a gift even if it's for the baby. Plus that just means less shit that we have to buy.

"Shut your dumb ass up before you be outside the reveal. Anyways like I was saying everyone who's here have a band on their arms. With that band you will know exactly where you fit in on this next game. If you have a red band please make your way to the left, if you have a black band head to the right." She said as people started moving to where she said.

"Okay for the people with the gold bands move to the front and those with the silver move to the back. I'm going to hand each group a pen and a paper. As a group you have to come up with as many songs as you know. It doesn't matter if it's a nursery rhyme or theme song it just has to be a song. I'll point at random to a group and as a group you have to sing the song. The thing is you can't sing the same song as the other group. If you do you're disqualified." She said

"Can I play?" Jah asked

"You know what no you and big mama over there need to take a seat in y'all chairs, I'll give y'all about two minutes to come up with as many songs as y'all can and when I say pens up then I need to see those pens. Ready, set, write" she yelled

Chatter immediately filled the backyard as they tried to get as many songs as they could before time ran out. I have to say this game seems like it's about to be lit, no lie I'm tryna see what songs they're about to pull out their asses since you can't sing the same songs as someone else.

"Okay times up. All pens in the air and attention on me. Now I'm going to let our tattoo artists and the parents to be pick a group that they want to represent them. Being that it's y'all reveal I'll give the parents the honors to pick first and also Rose goes first since you're mom." She said

"Okay well I'm going with the black bands cause you know..." I said using my hands to motion my skin color

"Well I'm going for team gold since that's a sign of royalty" Jah said picking

"Tuh you should have picked silver cause that's exactly what ya kids teeth about to be. You know what they say about kids with silver teeth" Rob said

"Yea I know but at least their going to be silver indicating they've been to the dentist. I know that name don't ring a bell for you though with them sun bright ass teeth" I said

"His mouth over there looking like a sunset. Orange and yellow with a hint of pink on his tongue" Jah said

"Nah bae his tongue is white." I said

"That's why his mouth smells like spoiled milk?" He asked

"Aye stop and let's get the picking over with" Amber said

"They always going overboard my color is red" Rob said mugging us

"Well damn I guess I'm silver" Black said

"Okay now that that's out of the way I need for you to go to the group that you picked and come up with a name. This will be y'all team for the whole reveal and at the end the team with the most points will get a free tattoo coupon that you can cash in any day besides today for obvious reasons. I'll give you two minutes to get those names while I get the board and stuff ready." Amber said before going back into the shop with Don following behind her.

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