Chapter 32

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August 8,2017

                                     Rose Marie

"It hurts so bad" I said groaning

"Where? Want me to rub it" Jah said sitting up some

"Rub it, lick it, stick ya fingers in it and flick em. Shit something" I said making him look at me weird

"Girl what? You're confusing the fuck out of me" he said really confused and it was funny but at the same time it wasn't since he wasn't catching the hints I was throwing.

"Nigga my pussy. The shit hurt! It's collecting dust and the shit needs to be cleaned." I said giving him a straight face

"What the fuck!" He yelled laughing hella hard making me laugh with him

"You asked and I'm telling so what you gone do? I don't want to have to find someone else when you're here. I'm horny ass fuck and at the moment my hands ain't doing shit for me" I said

"Nah yo ass in punishment. Ain't no licking or sticking going on. One more week and maybe you're in the clear" he said laying back down still chuckling

"Boy you done lost your fucking mind. Ain't no punishment when I ain't even did shit" I said actually upset

"Did your or did you not damn near give yourself diabetes yesterday? I told you about all that sugar and shit then you and Amber call y'all self being sneaky and doing the shit then gone have the nerves to send us pictures. Tuh Issa a punishment Pooh. Periodt!" He said making his voice higher on the last part

"So we're going there? Okay how about this you on permanent punishment my Nigga, you called me fat! That's an automatic slap in the face nigga you done lost that last brain cell you've been hanging onto. You don't call a woman fat especially when she's carrying your child" I said looking at him

"I didn't say fat" he defended

"My has you said heavy. That's even worse stupid ass, that shit there is what makes women insecure about themselves especially while they're growing daily baring your child." I said

"But I didn't mean it that way." He said

"Whatever. I'm going to get me something to eat before I leave because at this point you're useless" I told him

"Useless? Girl it ain't gone work in your favor calling me out of my name" he said smacking my ass when I got out of the bed

"I said what I said. You're not giving me what I want so I'm finna go get it somewhere else. Might just be better shit you never know" I smirk once I'm far enough from him

"Get beat up. Yo mouth been a little slick these last few days but you gone find out"

"And your dick game been lacking but I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt." I shrug lying my ass off but maybe that might get me what I need

"You's a lie and the truth ain't in you. I been fucking ya world up which is why you're trying to get some right now. Don't downplay my dick cause you can't get it now" he said standing up following me into the bathroom

"First of all you sound like somebody's old as mama or grandma saying that shit, and I'm not lying hence I ain't ask for the dick. I said the mouth or fingers. You need to work on some shit down below cause it ain't been up to standards lately" I said turning the water to brush my teeth forgetting all about the food I wanted a few minutes ago

"I know what you're trying to do and it ain't working" he said getting his toothbrush out and handing mine as well.

"I'm over it. Like I said I'm about to go out and find it else where. Matter of fact I know just where I'm about to get it." I said picking my phone up and going through my contact list.

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