Chapter 58

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Seven months later

I had my son two months ago

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I had my son two months ago. He was a nice 6 pounds 8 ounces. We decided to name him Micah Jay King. Him and sehkani are damn near twins. It's crazy that they are so much alike because he's her in a boy body as a kid. He's not a crybaby just chill as hell. Everyday someone is over trying to see him. The both of them.

Today we were taking him to get his shots and I was not looking forward to it either. Jah said that I was over exaggerating because I said I was going to cry but he damn near slapped the lady when Kani got her first set of shots.

"I have the bags and the kids baby get in the car" Jah said making me roll my eyes. Ever since I gave birth he doesn't let me lift nothing.

I thought that it was bad before when I was in my last months of pregnancy that he didn't let me do anything for myself he literally doesn't let me lift shit now. Hell I can barley go to the bathroom without him checking on me.

I love him and all but it's like let me breathe for a while. I headed to the car checking the time seeing we have a little over thirsty minutes until the appointment. Jah thinks that it's just Micah getting shots but he don't know that Kani is getting two today. She doesn't know either because if she did she's be throwing a fit.

I wanna see him say that I'm exaggerating when it's her turn to get her shot. He's gonna he mad at me for a minute but oh well. I check my snap chat to see what's popping on there but it was dry so I switched to instagram. Two minutes later I see him coming out the house with the diaper bags wrapped around his neck and a car seat in his hand and Kani laying in his other arms. Getting out and recording them I hyphe him up while I open the door for them.

"See that's what you call a dad goals. Work that walk Bae" I said laughing as he started to act like a model on a runway. He's so goofy.

Taking Kani from him I put her in and strap her in while he do the same with Micah before getting in and pulling off. On the way there we listened to a little bit of everything and sung out little hearts out. Pulling up to the doctors office we get out and sign in.

Ten minutes later they call us to the back. The doctor tells us that she'll be right back after checking his weight and length. She went to get the shots for the both of them. When she came back she told us to undress Micah so she could give him his shots on the leg. My poor baby was just smiling and cooing with Jah until it was his time to get that shot.

It was like a switch went off in his head as soon as that needle hit the leg. Jah tried everything to get him quiet but it wasn't working. Even Kani tried to cheer him up but it didn't work so she went back to playing on my iPad I had to pull the nipple out and that stopped him from crying as he fell asleep.

The doctor went to fill out a prescription for him as I placed him back in his car seat. I guess Jah thought that was all and we about leave until she said she was ready for sehkani. While  Kani has her head in the iPad playing a shapes and color game unaware of it being her turn to get a shot.

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