Chapter 22

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This year I've decided I'm going to enter this book into some award contests so if y'all know when some open up please let me know.

May 14,2017

                                    Rose Marie

After Amber came to my house beat up that night she's been staying with Don. She was originally going to be staying with me until she found a new place but he wasn't having that. When I say he damn near had a fit I mean it. I'm here for it though so I didn't even put up an argument.

In fact I was trying to convince her to go so that he could keep an eye on her. Don tried get her address out of her so that he could go and beat Mike ass but she wasn't budging. Me on the other hand already know that I'm giving it to him as soon as he asks and if he don't within the next week then a give the shit to him.

Me and Amber were out having a girls day since it was something we both needed. Being around all the guys in the shop was too much and I didn't realize how much I missed being around her. We planned to get our nails done and then I was going to slay her a nice weave while she braid me up.

I'm trying to keep the heat off my hair so it's braids and protective styles all year long.

"So you and Don huh?" I asked her as I parted her hair to braid for her weave

"Did I not just get my ass beat like two days ago? Ain't no me and nobody but me and this baby in here." She said rubbing her stomach

"I mean that's cute and all but bitch I'm ya best friend so fucking spill." I said seeing through her bullshit

"Ain't no tea today. The pot done ran dry and all the water evaporated." She said making me stop mid part to smack my lips

"Bitch don't play with me. I know when you lying so just spill before I still ya baby and move to Mexico when it's born." I said

"Ain't no need to steal my baby when you having your own sis." She said smirking

"Chile I ain't even pregnant but stop trying to change the subject. Over here wishing bad luck on me and shit." I waive her off

"A child is always a blessing no matter the circumstance." She said

"Yea until they're here and shitting all over the place, waking you up in the middle of the night and draining ya titties making ya nipples feel like they're about to fall the hell off. I'll pass on that for now I'm just here to be a good godmother and return the fucker when it starts getting annoying." I said making her straight face me

"My child ain't a fucker and never mind you ain't watching my baby" she said

"Bitch I'll slap the dumb out of you if you try to deny me my baby. We ain't go half on it but that's still half of my child in there." I told her

"Make that make sense." She said

"It does in my mind but if it don't to you then that's a little too bad. Speaking of baby when are we finding out the gender and what's going to happen with you and Mike Bitch ass?" I asked because I know she ain't going back to him so I'm trying to figure out how things going to turn out

"Well not this appointment but the next one I find out and you can come with me if you want. I was thinking of just letting it be a surprise but I'm too eager to know now and that shit between us is all the way dead. We can co-parent but that's as far as it's going to get. Shit I'm only going to talk to him if it has anything to do with the baby like appointments and when I go into labor."

"That's right sis. Fuck that Bitch ass Nigga for real." I say giving her props because she's taking this better than most people would.

"Period he can go to hell. The only thing I'm mad about is that I didn't get in as many hits as I wanted to. He fucked up and fucked me up real bad but a real woman always bounce back and boss up. That's what I'm doing. About to show him what he's lost." She said turning my head to start the other side.

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