Chapter 3

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Meanwhile, Leigh manages to gather all of their friends, even Jade's brothers in her house. Both Jesy and Leigh are worried about the brunette's plan.

"So, the main plan is," Leigh starts, looking up for Jesy's approval, the latter nods her head. "We need to convince Jade not to do her plan, in the way she doesn't get suspicious. We need her to be distracted. Okay, so Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry, will be the one to distract her during weekends." Leigh was interrupted by Harry, who was raising his hand.

"Yes, Harry."

"What is Poopey's plan again?"

"Well, her plan was to be a slave," Jesy answered, getting irritated by Harry asking the question all over again. "No way, she won't do that." Camila comments. "Yeah, the Jade that we know is not like that." Lauren agrees. The others only nod their heads.

"Sad to say, she would do it whether Perrie likes it or not," Jesy says. "That girl is very blind when it comes to love," Liam mutters. "Exactly!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Now, back to the plan," Leigh is now looking at the girls. "Lauren, Ally, Camila, Normani, and Dinah will be our lookouts for Jade. Follow her if you saw her and give us some updates." She said and all of them nodded in return. "Okay, sounds like-"
There was a sudden knock on the door and followed by "Leigh, you in there?"

Their eyes widen as they heard the voice. "JADE!" Harry whisper shouted panic is visible in his face. They didn't expect for Jade to be in Leigh's house and knock on her bedroom door. "What are we gonna do?!" Louis asked, afraid that their sister might catch them. Everyone in the room was panicking, they don't know what to do.

Then, Leigh has come up with an idea. "Liam and Zayn, under the bed now." She demands, the two boys looked at each other than do what was told. "Normani, Ally, and Dinah, in the bathroom, lock the door." She said and the three girls nod before rushing to go to the bathroom.

Leigh opened her closet and found two big luggage bag, then she pulled it out. "Camila and Lauren, inside." She says and points inside the closet. "What about us?!" Harry asked after seeing Leigh closed the closet door.

"Jes," She calls. "Help me with these." She gestured to open the bags. Louis and Harry's eyes are wide as plates, "What?! No! We're not going to-"

"Leigh, who are you talking with?"

"-Hide inside the luggage bag, c'mon bro." Louis patted Harry's shoulder. He sighs in defeat and lay inside the bag, allowing the remaining girls to zip the bag.

The door opens slowly, "Hey," Jade greeted. "I heard something commotions from outside and I just thought that- Wait, what's with the bags?" Jade then asked once she noticed the two big bags behind Jesy and Leigh. The two looked completely terrorized.

"Uhm... Nothing, it's from Leigh's sister. She uhm.. Leaving to go to States." Jesy reasoned, hoping Jade will buy it. "Oh, you didn't tell us, Leigh, where's your sister?" Jade saw Jesy elbowed Leigh.

"Ah, she's in the bathroom, probably getting too emotional." Leigh Anne answered, nodding along with Jesy.

Then, there was a crying noise from the bathroom. "Oh, I see," Jade says and made her way to the big luggage bags. "This is too big," She comments and kicked one bag with all her force.
Then, she lifts the other bag, grunting.

Midway on her lifting, she decided to let go. The bag falls with a loud thud. "God, that's too heavy. How long would she be gone?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jesy murmurs, getting a smack on the head by Leigh. "Ow!" Jesy whimpered, rubbing the part of her head that Leigh just hit. Suddenly, there's a loud groan from the bag that Jade lifted. The brunette looked at Jesy and thought that it was just her whimpering.

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