Chapter 22

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Perrie wave goodbye at Jade before the brunette went inside to her next class, which was Biology. She went to her usual seat and plopped down. She heard someone clearing their throat before saying, "Hi, Jade."

She looked up to see her seatmate, Bradley, flashing his bright smile on her. "Hey, Simpson." She smiled back.

"Long time no see," Bradley stated, putting his arms on the table and adjusting himself on his seat. "Yeah, lots of drama and stuffs." Jade shrugged.

"So, I saw you and Perrie earlier. Anything good between you two?" Jade looked away quickly, face flushed. She didn't know what to say. Heck, she didn't even know how to word this out.

"I don't know, Brad." She confessed. "I don't actually know if we're friends and...I'm really confused now." Jade looked back to see pure sympathy in his eyes. She'd met Bradley long enough for her to trust him, and for him to trust her back too. He even told Jade that he's bi and has a huge crush on both Lauren and Tristan years ago. Now Lauren's taken which Bradley didn't take the news really good and wanted to tell Jade, but then he found out that brunette wasn't in the school for days. He wanted to tell this to Jade so badly, but he has to wait, and wait, and wait until the brunette is back. Nobody really knows about their friendship, just the two of them.

"Well that's a bit understandable," he nodded, massaging his imaginary beard. "But that blunt-ass-hell-of-a-mysterious-person really shocked me with her mathematics skills. Didn't know she had that in her." He said and the two burst out laughing. Good thing their teacher hadn't arrived yet. "Seriously! It literally killed me. I remembered one time in maths when she got the question 'what is the square root of 144?' Then she answered '3236' too far from the real answer, which was 12. And all those damn times, she knows to herself that she was saying the wrong answers! It's really, really unbelievable of her." He finished, trying to calm himself down from laughing.

"I know," Jade chuckled. "One day, she was like 'oh, I don't know this'. But the next day, she was like 'oh, this is so easy'." Bradley looked at her and chuckled for a bit.

"You're so lucky, Jade." He said out of the blue. "Perrie and you, you two are so perfect for each other." Jade bit her lip and looked down, trying to hide the blush that was forming on her face.

"Brad, I.. Perrie, and I. Uhm, what we have is just fr-"

"Wait, you and Perrie are dating?" They both turn around to see Jed with a deep frown on his face. He was sitting next to Jade, which was weird because the brunette didn't even notice him taking a seat next to her.

"Uh, who are you?" Asked Bradley, feeling a bit rude because of an unwanted person interrupting their conversation.

Jed straightened a bit. "I'm Jed Elliot. The next owner of the biggest, most popular hospital in the world. First cousin of the blockhead, Perrie Edwards, and the principal of this school, Niall Edwards." He said with pride as he spoke. And all Jade wanted to do was to punch this arrogant man straight in the face for calling Perrie an idiot. But she knows better than beating up this man right now.

"Oh, it still doesn't make any sense but it's nice to meet you, though, bruv." Bradley gave Jed a fake smile, which made Jade laugh mentally.


Bradley motioned Jade to lean a little and the brunette quickly responded. "I don't like him." He whispered on Jade's ear, his eyes carefully watching Jed. "Me either." Jade agreed.

"How did he ever got here? I mean, I've never seen him here before."

"Probably because his father caught him sleeping with another girl. I think that's the reason."

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