Chapter 5

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Perrie was sitting on her couch. Too bored and has nothing to do. She can't sleep either because every time she closes her eyes, all she can see is The Annoying and Irritating Jade Thirlwall. She doesn't know why her brain is acting weirdly. During her periods of sleep, all she can dream about is Jade, making her jolt out from sleep.

She doesn't have a clue on why of all people, Jade is the one who was a liking on her, or rather in love with her. Sometimes, she wished that it was Jesy who has a crush on her but that was only a wish. A wish that could never be true.

Perrie knows that the girl she liked doesn't like her back, because every time she would give her some flowers and chocolates, she would accept it but later on, she would give it to her friends especially Jade or throw it in the nearest garbage can. But that didn't stop Perrie.

There was a sudden knock on the door that snapped her out of her thoughts. She rubs her temple, groaning, "Coming!" But the knocking didn't stop. "What's wrong with these people." She mumbled, opening the door.

There stood a tall man, wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans, making him looked stunning. "Dude!" Perrie greeted, giving the man a bro hug.

"It's been a while, Pez." He said and went inside, leaving Perrie to close the door.

"Hey, what brings you here?" She points while the boy was about to sit on her couch. He sighs, "Remember the day that I told you that you'll meet my girl?"

"Y-Yeah, a week ago, why?" She asked hesitantly. "Well, I was planning today that I would surprise her - since it was our second monthsary, and I do believe that she forgot it. Again." He explains, chuckling a bit.

"Uhm. Okay, I'll go with you. So?" Perrie asked. "I want to surprise her, that's all." He shrugged. Perrie gave him a weird look, "As far as I know, Jake Roche- my cousin is not like that. He hates to surprise people and he hates surprises."

"Hey! That is because-"

"You're whipped!" Perrie didn't let him finish his sentence. "No, I am not!" Jake defends.

"Oh yes, you do."

"Ugh!" He groaned and raised his hand in defeat.


"Here," Jake announced, unbuckling his seatbelt. "She said her friends and her are having a little bonding. She doesn't know that I will go to get to see her, all she knew is that I am busy studying for exams. Now, come on." He finished and hopped out of his car.

Perrie on the other side feels that something was tugging on her stomach, leaving her a bit confused but choose to ignore it and followed her cousin out the car.

"She must be here somewhere." He thinks once they enter the mall. "You should ask her where she is ya know?" Perrie asked, earning a smack on the head. "Ow! You shouldn't do that you know?! What if there are some kids from my fucking school and saw what you've done to me?! What would they say? 'Hey, I saw someone smacked Perrie's head and she's not the badass that we think she is.' That would ruin my reputation!" She ranted. Jake just shooked his head at her cousin's antics.

"You're not a badass you know." He said. "For you!" She protests, groaning in the process. "You're just a dumba- wait, there she is!" Jake said and points his hand. Perrie follows it and saw a familiar brunette hair that she fell in love with.

No, this can't be, She thought. Her heart was raising. She doesn't believe this. She must find a way to get out of here, hide somewhere so that she can't see Perrie. Or maybe she'll just ask Jake that she would like to use the toilet and run away when he doesn't even notice. But before she can think of an excuse, a hand was tugging her arm, bringing her closer to the group of familiar figures.

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