.: Two :.

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Quick Author's Note: Just know that this story isn't going to be like love at first sight. It's going to be relatively slow until they fall for eachother. Just a notice. Enjoy Chapter 2! :D

"Make sure you talk to that Evan boy again! And Zoe, don't drive off without your brother again... Please, get along!" Cynthia's voice rings through the whole house. 

"Yeah, I'll get along with Connor. When pigs fly, that is." Zoe laughs. I snicker along with her, and Cynthia sighs in disappointment. 

"You tried," Larry mumbled, getting up from his seat to leave, "Gotta leave now or the traffic will be too bad to go to work." 

"Okay, Sweetie. Have a good day at work." Cynthia smiles at him, giving him a peck on the cheek. Her smile seemed to disappear as he turned away.

I finish my breakfast, just in time for Zoe to get up and say, "Come on, or I'm leaving you." 

I follow her out of the door, not saying goodbye to Cynthia. My eyes catch sight of blue ones, and I notice it's Evan. He looks away shyly, and I get inside Zoe's car. I see as we pass him that he's nervously grabbing the edges of his shirt. 

"Looking at Anxiety Kid again?" Zoe laughs. 

"You know, he has a name. You don't have to be such a jerk." I snap. 

"Oh, as if you know him anyway. Oh, right! You guys are friends..." 

"Yeah, well at least I know to treat someone with social anxiety decently," I argue. Why the hell I was defending this kid was beyond me, but I did.

"You can't treat anyone decently, Connor. You're you. And you'll have to deal with it." Zoe sneers as we pull into the school parking lot. I practically dive out of the car when it stops, glaring at her. I grab my bag out of the car, dashing away from the car. I once again see Evan and his "family friend" near my locker. 

"Jared...?" Evan speaks timidly. 

"What now, Evan?" Jared turns toward him. Evan looks down, grabbing his shirt once again. I open my locker, listening to the conversation. 

"Uh- Nononoit'snotimportantnevermind." 

"You know, sometimes you're just fucking annoying." Jared, who I now know is Brown-Haired Kid, snaps at him. I close my locker, facing Evan. 

"Well, he's sort of a jerk, huh?" I ask him, trying to relate to what could be his feelings toward Jared. 

"No-uh- he's not. He's my- he's my friend..." Evan looks down at the ground. 

"A friend would sign your cast. And your cast looks pretty bare to me. Unless it's like invisible ink, then that's pretty cool." 

"I-uh-I should go...?" Evan questions. I hold my hand out as if expecting something. 

"Do you have a Sharpie?" I ask. He nods, sort of cautiously, checking his pockets frantically until he finds it. He holds out his arm so I can sign his cast. I jerk his arm toward me by instinct. 

"Ow..." He squeaks. 

"Sorry," I say dryly. I sign CONNOR with the Sharpie along his whole cast. He smiles a bit. 

"As crazy as this sounds, I need a sort of–" I'm interrupted by the bell. Evan scurries away toward his class. 

"Good job meeting a friend, Connor." Zoe's voice is heard behind me. I ignore her, walking toward my first class. 

"Connor, hey!" Jared calls when I walk into the room. 

"Could you just leave me alone?" I glare at him, slamming my palms onto the desk. Jared says nothing, though I can sense he wants to. 


 I sit next to Evan in 3rd period. He looks at me when I sit down. He doesn't know why I'm sitting next to him, and neither do I, honestly. 

"Listen, my mother-" I shudder at the word mother, as I never call her that, "My mom, perhaps, is expecting me to be friends with someone, and since we're both what people could call losers, I was wondering... We don't even have to talk at school. I mean, we'd probably need to have sleepovers every once in a while, but other than that, nothing else, really." I explain. Evan is surprised at the amount of words I just used, or so I assume.

"Uh-er-sure...?" He looks at the clock. The second bell rings, and he turns back toward me, "S-Sure." He seems nervous, though I understand why. The school freak asking another nobody to be friends? Pretty ominous, is it not?

"I'm going to need basic information about you too. If that's okay, of course." 

"Okay... WellmynamesEvanandIreallyliketreesandicecream," Evan says really fast. I chuckle dryly and turn away. I take in the information, paying attention to class. Evan and I don't talk for the rest of the class, which is fine  for me. I'm not good with people, nor have I ever been. I'm sure Evan isn't either.

"Shouldn't I know y-your full name i-if were going to be f-friends?" Evan asks as I leave the room.

"Connor. Connor Murphy." I say, walking off.

Heyo! Here's chapter 2, a bit shorter! Okay, more like 300 words short, but still. Hope you enjoyed :)
Edit: now it's only 200 words short B)

~Alexa ❤️

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