.: Nineteen :.

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Evan's POV

"I still wanna know where we're going!" I exclaim, being impatient. 

"I know, Ev, I know." Connor smiles, not taking his eyes off of the road. 

"So, you gonna tell me?" I ask for the probably millionth time. 

"We're almost there." 

"What's in the middle of nowhere?" 

"Something," Connor states, knowing my tricks and not falling for them.

"Just-just wake me up when we get there," I tell him, faking frustration. 

"We're five minutes away, Ev." Connor laughs. 

"I like that nickname. Ev." I repeat the name. 

"Well, uh, I thought it was cute, like–nevermind. But yeah, it calmed you down yesterday." Connor's smile seemed to be a nervous one. 

"It did. Thank you, by the way." I smile to myself. The rest of the car ride is spent in a comfortable silence. It's an orchard, full of apple trees that look like they haven't been cared for in quite some time. It's still beautiful, and there seems to be a small forest in the back. That seems to be where we're going. Connor grabs my hand, smiling, and guides me through the spaced-out trees. We get to a small pond, where Connor stops and lies down on the ground. I lay next to him, looking up at the not-so-thick canopy of leaves in the sky. Sunlight shines on the both of us, and there are few clouds. For a few moments, we're lying under the endless amount of trees around us in silence. Then, Connor sits up, still looking at the sky. 

"I wonder..." He starts, trailing off.

"What?" I ask, wanting him to continue. 

Looking back at me, he asks, "What would the world–this orchard, even–look like from way up in those huge ass trees?"

"I don't know," I say. He's still looking at me–as if lost in thought. A look of confusion settles on my face, I think, and I decide to break the slowly growing tension. 

"Why don't we find out?" 

"Wh-what do you mean?" Connor snaps out of his slight trance. 

"I'm an expert on trees," I flip my invisible long hair, "I can climb them, too." 

"You still have your cast on, isn't that dangerous?" 

"I'm pretty sure I won't fall or anything. I've been climbing trees (A/N- I almost typed crying???) for 2 summers now. And if we find a bit of a shorter tree, even if I do fall, I won't fall far." Connor looks at me with slight uncertainty but holds out his hand to help me up nonetheless. 

"Don't look so scared." I smile. I then let go of Connor's hand once I'm up, looking around at the towering trees around us, and trying to find the best ones with good footholds and strong branches. 

"This one!" I exclaim when finding the perfect tree. I lead Connor to it with my voice. I start climbing first, not stopping until I'm close to the top of the tree. Connor is close to me nearly the whole time. One second, I'm on a tree branch, the next second, I feel like I'm falling. But then, I don't. There's no pain. I open my eyes. I'm not on the forest floor, though. I feel my heart racing. 

"How the fuck did I manage to catch you?" Connor's voice rings. I look around for the source and see his face to the right of me. I say nothing, just stare at him, a small smile forming on my face. My heart almost hurts, in a way. The smile on my face won't fade, the urge to embrace Connor won't either. I sit up slowly, gaining balance on the big branch we're on. 

"I don't know," I scoot a bit closer to him, the grin on my face not showing any signs of disappearing, "But you did." More almost chest pain. More heat sent to my face. More blushing faces. 

And then,
his lips are on mine.

It all happens in a blur, really. But I'll remember the taste of his lips for an eternity, I bet. When I pull away, I can smell a very small hint of something unfamiliar and freshly cut grass. We're inches apart. Connor's face is bright red, as is mine. 

"Holy-uh-er-holy shit. I-I'm so-so-so sorry!" Connor stutters. 

"N-no, you're-you're good! It's all–it's all good!"

The moment that had been pretty perfect had now turned awkward.

But still, the two boys had just had a normal day turn into the best day of their lives. 

Short chapter :O RomAnCEeee
I told you it was coming yo
i hope you like

I'll see you guys another time!
~Alexa <3

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