.: Ten :.

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A/N- I'm home! No more using the Mac computer, ah. Even though I liked that computer. 

Connor's POV

"You are going to suffer serious consequences," The principal, Mrs. Holland, says.

"Yeah, and they don't get any because they're stars of the school." I scowl. 

"You punched two students." I can tell she's trying to stay calm. 

"Well, if it weren't for those assholes, I wouldn't have had to." I scrunch up my face angrily. 

"Please watch your language, Connor."

"I can say whatever the fuck I want." I grimace. She sighs, starting to pace around the office. Soon after, someone barges in. 

"Connor Murphy, you are in so much trouble!" Larry yells. Cynthia comes in seconds later, trying to calm him down.

"Come on, you're coming with me!" Larry grabs me by the arm, yanking me from the seat.

"You're suspended for a day," Mrs. Holland says as I'm dragged out of the door. 

"And you're not going to that boy Evan's house." Larry lets go of me, Cynthia following him. She looks back, whispering something into Larry's ear. I could feel the countless amount of eyes glued to me. I pull my hood up, throwing my hands into the hoodie's pockets. 


"Are you even listening?!" Larry yells. I look up without a care. 

"Does it even look like it?" I raise my eyebrows and chuckle. 

"Get out of my house. Now." Larry points to the door. 

"Yeah. Where the fuck am I supposed to go?" I ask angrily. 

"As long as it isn't here, I'm fine with it." He shoves me out of his way as he walks past me out of my room. I grab a few things, shove them in a bag, and shut my door with a slam. 

"Finally, Connor's outta here!" Zoe laughs. 

"Shut up, asshole!" I yell. Zoe continues laughing. 

You're getting kicked out of your own house. What a l o s e r!
Shut up.

"Larry, you're kicking him out of the house?!" Cynthia's muffled voice is heard from upstairs. Larry's soon follows though I tune the yells out by shutting the front door. I begin walking, my old backpack in hand, to the field. 

The Field in Which Everything is Forgotten.


Tears blur my vision. 
I can't stop crying. 
Why can't I stop crying?

I bring the blunt up to my mouth, inhaling the smoke, exhaling the smoke. Inhale, exhale. 

I am calm soon after. The tears stop. I lie on the cold, wet grass and look up at the stars.

The stars, my only friends. Friends. Evan. 

"Shit," I whisper, scrambling up and grabbing my phone from the side pocket of the backpack. 

Connor: Im running late. Rlly late. Ill be there asap.

Evan: oh, ok

I run for what seems like ages, stumbling over uneven cracks in the pavement every once in a while. I finally reach Evan's doorstep, going to knock on the door, when, to my surprise, the door is opened. 

"You're 3 hours late," Evan says, gasping afterward.

"Well, I'm sorry I forgot to fucking come. Life isn't all about you, you know." I snap back. 

"I-I know... Th-that wasn't nice t-to say..." Evan sputtered out, "W-why don't you come- Are you h-high, Connor?" Evan asks me.

I then say, "So what if I am? It's none of your business."

"oh, uh-um-okay. M-may I ask you a-a question...?" Evan asks. 


"Wh-why do you have a backpack...? W-were you planning t-to sleep over? Imeanthat'stotallyfineit'sjustyoudidn'ttellmeand-" 

"No. I got kicked out of my house, okay? Jeez." 

Aaaaaand a short chapter it is. Sorry it isn't longer, it's just I have this idea and the idea is in Evan's POV so ya know
I don't want to switch POV's in the same chapter. As you may know, every two chapters I alternate POV's and next chapter is Evan's so yeah. 

I'll see you beans another time!

~Alexa <3

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