A New Beggining

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I unlocked the door to my home and went inside and looked around. Well Virgo can help me out here. "Open the Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" "Punishment princess?" *sigh* "No Virgo no punishment, do you think you could help me pack up and take my furniture to the spirit world?" "Yes, princess" In a matter of minutes my clothing and everything else was packed and ready to go. When Virgo returned to the spirit world she took my furniture along with her. The only thing I took with me was a suitcase that has some clothes and some blankets just incase I don't have anywhere to sleep. Well now to see the landlady and tell her I'm leaving. I went and knocked on her door. The lady walked out with a bored expression on her face. "Yes miss Lucy, can I help you?" "Yes, I'm leaving today and here's this months rent and well goodbye." To my surprise she looked shocked at what I had just told her. "Thank you miss Lucy. Please becareful and goodbye." I gave her a quick hug then turned to walk to the Magnolia Train Station.

I bought a ticket that would take me to the Heratfilia estate. Obviously I wasn't going to stay there because no one's home. I'm surprised no one has bought the estate yet I guess its too expensive. I'm going to go to the forest to train there. It was threee hours away so I fell asleep. When I woke up I realized that we would be reaching my destination in ten minutes. I stretched and got my things ready. When we stopped I was the only one to get off. There it is. My old home. I looked around for the forest I spotted it in the distance. After fifteen minutes of walking I finally reached the forset.

If I remember correctly there should be a clearing with a cave and a lake nearby... Ah! There it is! i found the clearing but the cave was a bit farther away and I guess it would be safer if I slept in a cave than out in the open. After five more minutes I found the cave. As I walked inside I put my suitcase on the ground. I pulled out the blankets and arranged them on the ground. I knew that there was a lake farther down the mountain. How do I know this I'm not quite sure but it feels like I've been here before. There it is! It was a beautiful blue it seemed as if the water glowed. I guess I could go for a soak. I walked into the water and once I was completely inside I dunked my head into the water. When I lifted my head back up I froze in shock.

There infront of me was a beautiful midnight blue dragon. "A- A dragon." "Hello I am Celestia the celestial dragon I am here to take you to the dragon realm Princess Lucy." She bowed her head. "Wait, did you say princess and dragon realm? How do you know my name?" "Your mother Layla Heartfilia was our queen but sadly in the year X777 she passed away as you know and we have been waiting for you to take your mother's place and become our new queen. Please follow me." I looked around confusd where do I follow her there's no place to go to. "Open gate to the Dragon Realm!" When she said this a portal opened up infront of us. She walked through and I follwed after her.

I heard mysef gasp. It was so beautiful. There was a flower field all over and a river in the sky it reminded me of the one in Edolas. Edolas, who'd say that returning from there would be what would make me leave the guild. If someone would have told me I would have just laughed it off. Stop thinking about that Lucy. Look at where you are! The Dragon Realm! I heard someone cough on my right. I turned and saw Celestia. "Climb onto my back Princess and I will take you to the castle." I climbed onto her back and she set off. It was so beautiful even more so up here in the sky. "Hey Celestia what are those places that look like different landscapes?" "Oh, those places are where the other dragons live. Ah, we have arrived." She started flying down and when she landed I saw a beautiful Castle. "Follow me Princess Lucy." As I followed her inside she transformed into a human form with dark blue hair. I was wondering how I wasn't going to get lost here. I went up a beautiful staircase and down a hallway. "Here is your room. It used to be your mother's room she had it done before she passed away for when you would return to the castle to become queen." 

It was so breathtaking. The room was painted the same midnight blue as Celestia's hair with stars painted on the ceiling with all of the constellations. It seems my mother knew what taste I would have. My bed was purple as well as the other furniture. A few things were pink and sky blue. The closet was huge with plenty of clothing that was just my size along with what seemed like hundreds pairs of shoes. The bathtub was giant. "Princess you should rest I will come back later to take you to the celebration of your return." I just nodded. Then she walked out the door I jumped onto the bed. It was so soft. I pulled the covers over me and quickly dozed off.

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