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Everything slowed down. I could see Luce in front of me. I felt pain when she retracted the knife with her hand. I coughed and red dots decorated her face. Tears built up in her golden eyes and spilled onto her cheeks. Her features changed into that of confusion. She reached her blood-stained gloved hand to her face. "Why am I crying? Why is my heart in pain?" My legs gave in and I fell forward crashing into her. I felt her go rigid. I turned me head and looked into her crying eyes. "That means that your still in there. It means a part of you remembers. It means that your fighting back." I coughed again and her golden hair looked dull in contrast to the bright red liquid. Black dots covered my vision.

Is this it?

Am I going to die now?

I can't.

I haven't rescued Luce yet. Everyone else is down already, I'm the only one who can still do something.

But I can't even move...

I can only try this.

I was able to muster strength and pull myself off of her. I held her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "I know that your in there, Luce. So keep fighting, okay? If you do, I know you'll come out victorious. Did you know? That's one of the main reasons that I'm so deeply in love with you." I saw her golden eyes widen and flash to chocolate ones for a second before, "Lucille!" was heard. "Come back to me soon, Luce." I allowed by body to give up. I felt myself fall backwards and when my head connected with the ground everything went dark. The last thing I heard was my name being yelled out in an agonizing scream.



I saw myself walk over to Natsu, and wrap my arms around him. 

"Will you love me?" I heard those words escape my lips.

Why can't I control my own voice?

He responded, "Yes."  and my mind froze.

When I felt myself push my lips against his my heart sank.

Why can't I control my own body?!

I had wanted him to say that to me so many times. I wanted him to hold me in his muscular and tan arms. To hear him whisper sweet nothings into my ear. To declare his love for me world-wide. For him to cherish me. But most of all, I wanted him to love me as much as I had loved him.

But that was in the past.

That was the old Lucy Heartfilia.

The one who needed Natsu to protect her from everything.

When he fell to the ground, I felt remorse of hurting the man I had once loved with all my heart.

When Ryu had pressed his lips against mine, my heart stopped beating for a second. So when I plunged the knife into his back my world-everything stopped functioning. Tears sprung to my eyes when I processed what had happened. I had driven a knife through the back of the one I loved. I felt his blood splatter onto my face when he coughed. Tears mixed with red while streaming down my face.

Heal him! Save him, Lucy! Do it!

But my body wouldn't move.

"I know that your in there, Luce. So keep fighting, okay? If you do, I know you'll come out victorious. Did you know? That's one of the main reasons that I'm so deeply in love with you."

I felt my eyes widen and for a brief second I was back in control. Not long enough. I need to keep trying!

"Come back to me soon, Luce."

I watched as his eyes closed after he hit the ground. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt my heart shatter and along with it, the invisible cage around my mind.

"RYU!! NOOOO!!!!" I ran forward but before I could reach him I felt fire engulf my arm and pull me backwards. It was a searing pain but it didn't compare to the pain of seeing Ryu's un-moving body. I heard Taiga clap his hands, "Finally, we are rid of him." He walked to me and bent down. His index finger reached out and rested beneath my chin. He raised his finger making my head tilt upwards. My eyes met his terrifying ones. "Thank you my dear Lucille. Now you'll be mine for good." His lips pecked my forehead and my skin burned. I saw golden scales form on my arms and felt them spread to my forehead and cheekbones. I was furious. I pushed him backwards with all my strength and he hit the closest wall.

I didn't have time to deal with him at the moment. First I needed to make sure Ryu was still breathing.

Do not fret Old Friend, for all of us will lend you our strength.

After I hear the Celestial King's voice in my head all of my golden key spirits formed a wall behind me and blocked a fire attack from Taiga. "Hurry up, you stupid girl!" Aquarius' angry voice screamed. "I will! Thank you all for being here to help me." I rushed to Ryu's body and put his head on my leg's, "Angelic healing!" I had expected a silver magic circle to form but nothing happened. "Angelic healing!" I chanted once again. "Lucy-sama, you are unable to perform magic at the moment." I heard Capricorn's voice call out. "Why?!" "There was a curse placed on you." My hands began to shake.

What can I do? I have to save him! I can't let him die, I won't let
him die.

I remembered the spell Celestia had warned me to never use.

"Celestial Spirit King! I wish to perform the hidden spell!"

Old friend, every mage who had casted that spell had died. You might not survive.

"I know, but I wish to do it."

Very well, I wish you goodluck Old Friend. I hope to see you again.

"Thank you, if something happens to me, please make sure my friends go to Yukino of Sabertooth. She will care for them as much as I did. If possible, send my gratitude to the beings of my other keys and coins."

I shall do as you wish if that comes to happen, Old Friend.

I smiled before extending my arms behind me, they almost touched the ground.

"Take me and save his life. It is my command. You must follow through the command of your queen."  

I tilted my head upwards,

"I cast the forbidden spell of the stars, heaven, and hell." 

"Asteria, ouranos, tartarus, paré me thusia emautou só̱sei mia zo̱í̱!"

(Stars, Heaven, and Hell, take me as a sacrifice to save a life)

I felt my energy force drain in a millisecond and I slumped down and looked at Ryu's closed eyes.

"When you open your eyes again, mine will be closed. But its okay, I just want you to live on with everyone else. Make sure everyone is happy."

I looked up and saw Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy, and Charla with open eyes. I smiled and looked at my spirits then up at the ceiling, "Sayonara, minna." I raised my right hand with the strength I had left and extended my thumb and index finger forming the Fairy Tail secret symbol. I felt tears stream down my face before my body gave in and the world drifted away from me.


A/N: Here's an update! I'm so sorry guys! I know, I'm terrible >.>  I'll try to update soon, okay?
I hope you guys liked this dramatic chapter! RyLu had more votes than NaLu, so I'm sorry for NaLu shippers. But its not over yet so keep commenting and voting for NaLu or RyLu because there is a huge plot twist coming soon. Please vote and especially comment! I've updated"Finding Lucy" and "My Unrequited Love For You" so if you could check them out that would be great! Thank you for your follows, comments, and votes!

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