Lucifer's Demons

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I suddenly woke up. I looked around and saw that everyone else was still asleep. I turned to look up at the sky. It was just about time to leave. I got out of my wool bed and stood up and went to the center of where everyone was sleeping "ALRIGHT EVERYONE WAKE UP!!!" I yelled out. Mostly everyone woke up besides two rivals from Fairy Tail. I walked over to their two sleeping forms a sadistic smile on my face. I used Earth magic and small pillars burst from the floor from beneath them and began going up and crashing into their bodies and back down just to hit them again. "Ah! w-h-at-i-s-t-h-i-s?" "I'm sorry I can't seem to understand you. Your voice seems to be shaking." "L-ucy please -s-stop it!" cried out Gray. I sighed "Fine." The rock pillars extended about 10 feet in the air then suddenly dropped back into the floor. Two thuds were heard and then groans. "As I was saying we need to get going now. If you are going to change I sugest you do so now." Sherry nodded and went into the trees to change I assume, Ren standing gaurd where she vanished into the trees. I turned away as well and went behind one of the trees. I don't know why since I simply re-quipped into something more covering. I wore dark gray pants along with black boots and a simple black short sleeved shirt. I checked to make sure my eyepatch was still in place, I decided it would be safer if I wore it at all times while surrounded by so many people whom didn't know about my eye. I wore a black leather belt and attached two key pouches, one with the golden zodiac keys and my original silver keys, and the other a pouch that I could summon whichever key I desired. Or coin in that case. There were some angels that required coins instead of keys, along with other creatures. I also attached my dragon whip which was made of dragon scales, one scale from each dragon in the Dragon Realm was what made it. It was one of my strongest ones. I walked to the clearing once again to see everyone ready to take off.

"Okay, today we are going to fight Lucifer's Demons. I need all of you to be alert, this won't be an easy mission. Blue Pegasus, you are assigned to clear out the members of the dark guild on the lower level. Lamia Scale, you will have to clear the second floor of the dark guild.  Fairy Tail, you are to follow me, we will split off into two groups. Erza and Wendy you two are to follow me at all times until I tell you to leave to join Natsu and Gray. Gray, Natsu,  you two will split off first and go and fight Arata. I want everybody to paying attention at all time, do you understand me? And no questions." "Hai!"

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