On The Last Day Of The Games

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I woke up the earliest today. We were all in the hotel. I looked around to confirm if I was the only one awake. I got up and walked to the window. The moon is still out, by its location its around 2 in the morning. I smiled. The sky is always so beautiful. The stars, my spirits. Today has finally arrived. I'll show them my true power today. First I'll go after Sabertooth. I'll leave the best for last. I must have made some noise because I heard someone walking towards me. I was surprised when their arms found their way around my waist. "Luce." I think I'm still sleepy. Only two people came to my mind. Only two people call me Luce. It couldn't be him though. He was in  another room. "Ryu, is that you?" I felt him tighten his grip on me.

Suddenly I realized how high his body temperature was. "Don't tell me that bastard does this to you?" He questioned, mostly growled. So it is him. "What are you doing in my room? Get out." "No. I'm here 'cause I wanna be here, with you Luce. My Luce." "I am not your Luce. I never was and never will be. My name is Lucy, that is what you should call me." "But Luce is my nickname for you." "I don't need a pet name from you. Now do as I said and get out!" "No. I'm not leaving." I tried using telepathy to wake my team up. It wasn't working so far. This isn't good, I can't use my powers. He has to think I'm still weak. Come on guys wake up! With a sudden movement he turned me around.

I was now face to face with the person who ruined the old me. One of the people I hate most. His hand reached up to touch my face. "I finally have you in front of me. I have you in my arms again. Luce, I missed you so much. I'm sorry for what I said and did 4 years ago." I was mesmerized by his onyx eyes. I snapped out of it when he reached for my left eye. "Don't you dare touch me." I warned. "Why do you cover your eye? Let me see." "Don't touch me!" Natsu's face showed confusion. Ryu please! One second I was in his arms, the next I was in Ryu's.

When I noticed this I smiled and hugged him. "Why do you hug him and not me?" I turned around to see Natsu with a pained expression. Why does he look hurt? Stop it Lucy! It doesn't matter he hurt you more. He kicked you out and insulted you. He and everyone else deserves to suffer. "Why do I hug him? You mean Ryu? I hug him because I want to. I don't want to hug you. Simple as that." "What the-" Ryu interrupted him "Is that an issue for you Pinky?" "It's salmon! And yes it does bother me because Lucy is mine." "I am not yours Salamander. Get out." "Get out Pinky you heard Luce." "Don't call her that. That's what I call her!" "Shut up! Get the hell out of our room!" "Lucy, please." He began walking towards me.

Before he could reach me Ryu stood in front of me along with 4 other people blocking me from him completely. I smirked "See Salamander, this is my family. Now get out. As I said before whatever you have to say to me save it for the last event." "No. I'm not leavin-" I cut him off as I used my magic to send him to his room. I let out a sigh "I should have done that from the beginning. Anyways, thanks guys!" I gave them a smile. I walked forward and casted runes around the room. "Now let's get some more sleep we need to be ready for today. They are such heavy sleepers aren't they?" I said while I looked at the 6 sleeping exceeds that were unaware of what had just happened.

Everyone went back to bed besides Ryu and I. "What is it Ryu?" He walked forward and pulled me into a hug. My eyes widened at his sudden movements. "I'll always be here for you Luce. No matter what. I promise." I felt my eyes tear up. I hugged him back. "Thank you Ryu. I know you will always be by my side when I need you." I felt him smile into my shoulder. "Why did he have to do that?" "Pinky must have realized what he did. He probably missed you." "Please. I really doubt that." When the hug ended I walked to my bed and Ryu to his. "Goodnight Luce." "Its already morning Ri~" I saw him scrunch up his nose. "I'm kidding. Goodnight!" I heard his muffled mhm and hugged Mei closer and eventually dozed off. 

"Luce get up!" "No. Let me sleep Ryu!" "Nope. Today's a big day." Just as I snuggled closer to Mei I was lifted up in the air and over his shoulder. "Ryu~ let me sleep damn it!" I yelled while hitting his back and kicking my feet. "No Luce." He decided to hold me bridal style so I wouldn't move so much. "Fine then." As I said that I snuggled into his chest. I opened one eye and saw his blushing face. I heard giggling from behind us. Next thing I new I was wide awake soaking with water. I opened my eyes. "Ryu..." I mumbled angrily when I was tossed onto my bed, waking Mei.

I quickly got up and ran after him. When I caught up to him I tripped him. The giggling had continued so I sent a few air waves that direction and the laughs silenced. I glared at a now sweating Ryu. "Air wave." I decided to use the same technique on him. When he was lifted into the air which was now spinning him around he turned green. I suddenly stopped it and he fell face first onto the floor.

By the time he looked up I had re-quipped my clothes. I was wearing a midnight blue long sleeve tube top that had ruffles at the end of the sleeves and black shorts. I wore thigh high midnight blue boots. My new black belt with a whip and a key pouch that carried my original keys. Since I was going to be moving a lot I decided to put a black patch on my eye. I had covered it with my hair and nothing seemed unusual. I looked down at him "Well what are you waiting for then? Let's go!" I turned to face everyone. They all including the exceeds pu their fists in the air and chanted "Yeah!" 

With that we all held hands and I teleported us to the arena just as the mascot was about to speak. "Today is the last day of The Dai Matō Enbu! As you know today's only event is The Grand Magic Game! All of the guilds will be against each other! There is one team leader per team! If you come face to face with anyone you will have to fight them. Good-luck and begin!" With that we all appeared in the town of crocus. A smirk formed on my face as I turned to face my team. "This is it! Let the final games begin!"


A/N: Thank you for your votes and comments! I'll be updating soon! Let me know in the comments if you want me to continue this story after the Grand Magic Games. I was planning on keeping the story going after but I want to see what you guys want. If you could go and read my new story What Happened To The Celestial Mage. Thank you once again!

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