The Twins

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We were in front of the theater. The theater where you went on missions with Team Natsu... I shook my head. "Well let's go Ryu! Race you to the Magic Shop!" As I started running I made sure to get lost in the crowd so I teleported.

Then bumped into someone. "Ouch!" "I'm so sorry here let me help you!" "Thanks- " "Haruto! Where are you?!?!" He opened his mouth as if to reply then clsed it again. "Are you Haruto?" "Uh yeah sorry nice to meet you. Who are you?" "My bad I'm Lucy, nice to meet you!" I held out my hand and he took it and stood up. "Sorry but who's looking for you?" "Oh it's my brother. I'm over here Kazuki!!" He started waving and jumping up. In what seemed like five seconds a boy who looked just like Haruto appeared next to him.

"Haruto, there you are! Wow this city is crowded isn't it? Why- oh sorry I didn't see you there I'm Kazuki." "Oh hi! I'm Lucy nice to meet you!" "So, I know its none of my business but where are you two headed?" "Oh no where in particular just where we can afford on the train." The one that replied was Haru, he was wearing a green shirt that matched their emerald eyes and black jeans that matched his hair. While Kazuki wore a black shirt and black pants that also matched their hair. "Are you two mages by any chance?" "Yeah I'm have light magic and Kazuki has shadow magic." Fire and water mages one's magic is the other's weakness, interesting... "So do you guys belong to a guild?" They shook their heads in perfect unision. "So where are you guys from?" "We are from a small town located near Clover Town, but the town believe that mages are demonic so we our family was attacked and our parents were killed we barely escaped alive." Kazuki said with teary eyes. I turned to Haruto and saw that tears were already falling down his face.

I reacted on instinct and pulled both of the twins into a hug. They stiffened then relaxed and hugged me back and I could hear them sobbing. I was rubbing their backs. They have no parents just like me, and the people around them betrayed them and killed their parents. They need help... I will help them, I'll take them to  to learn white dragon slaying and shadow dragon slaying. Their sobs quieted down and they looked up both of them had blushes on their faces. I let them out of the hug.

Kazuki scratched the back of his head and said "Sorry about that Lucy, we just met you and we started crying like children in front of you." "Don't worry I know that you can't help it. So I have an offer for you two." They both looked at me confused. "You guys can come with me. I'll make sure you have everything you need a home, food, also I want you two to learn dragon slaying with your magic." They looked at me with unreadable expressions then they looked at eachother then at me again. This repeated a few times. "Look you can think about it. I'm going to the magic shop and then I'm leaving. It'll take me about half an hour you have until then to say yes, if you don't then I'll take it as a no. Well catch you boys later!" As I was going to teleport both of them grabbed one of my arms. "Huh? What's wrong?" "We accept your offer Lucy, we want to go with you." They said in perfect unision then they smiled. I smiled back and pulled them into another hug. More people! Yes! I can't wait to tell Ryu! Oh crap Ryu! He's going to be mad, he should be at the store by now. "Alright guys grab one of my hands, we're going to the store and so you can meet my friend! They didn't hesitate grabbing my hands as much as Ryu had when I met him. I teleported us to the front of the magic store.

Ryu looks mad... "Where have you been Luce?! Who are they?" "Haha... sorry for taking so long. This is Haruto and Kazuki!" They all stared at eachother akwardly. "Guys this is Ryu. He's the friend that I was talking about." They quietly said hello to eachother. "I'm taking them with us and I'll have Weisslogia and Skiadrum teach them." To this he reacted. "WHAT? You just met them Luce and now you want to take them with you?!" "Look who's talking the same thing happened with you Ryu!"  I heard the twins chuckling. Ryu glared at them and they stopped. "Fine." I smiled at al three of them. "So how old are you?" "We are 19." "So are we! We'll get along great! Well I'm going to look at the keys they have you three stay here and chat amongst yourselves!" Ryu looked like he was going to protest but one glare from me and he just nodded. 

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