The Battle ~Part 1~

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"My dear Lucy! You've come back! I've missed you!" Taiga said as his smirk filled with malice. "Tagia." I spit out. "Lucy! Wait for us!" I turned around remembering about Erza and Wendy whom were being carried by the other 2 exceeds. "Mei, be careful. Watch out in case he tries to attack." My attention was on Taiga and I noticed that amusement flickered in his eyes. "I see you've gotten yourself a pet kitty." "She's a transformation exceed. When I found her egg I thought she was a normal exceed, but a year later after she hatched she began transforming. It was fate that decided her egg would cross my path, and that she would become my exceed." "I didn't ask." "But you wanted to know. I read your mind, Taiga." His expression quickly became angry "When did I give you permission to do that?!" He hissed at me with disgust. "Since when do I have to ask you for permission?" I questioned. His right hand shot forward and a strong gust of wind threw me to the wall then I landed on the floor.

"Mei, I need you to go and help the others. If any of them are injured I need you to heal them." "Lucy! I can't do that!" "Mei, I can take care of myself." She seemed hesitant but she eventually flew away. "Lucy-" "Erza was cut off when she was punched to the floor and Wendy avoided one herself thanks to Charla who picked her up at the last moment. I saw blue and realized who it was. I got up and stood up on my feet. "I see you had a spy Taiga. Isn't that right James?" Said person turned around and my eyes met with his golden ones. "Heartfilia-san, its nice to see you again." "I cannot say the same. Erza, Wendy, I leave him to you." "Of course Lucy-san!" "Yes, don't worry about him, Lucy. Focus on your fight with the guild master." I hummed in response and faced Taiga once again. "Water Dragon's ROAR!" "Water shot in his direction but he shielded it with a wall of fire. Steam built up everywhere and I lost sight of him. That is until I saw his fist hit the ground and pillars shot up from the floor. I managed to jump out of the way in time.

"Blood Control!" Both of my hands were outstretched and his movements stopped. I bent my ring fingers and his arms dropped to his sides. I slightly bent the pointer finger on my left hand and his left leg slowly moved along with it. When my thumbs touched the palms of my hands I chanted "Blood Clot!" His face  twisted into a painful expression and he fell to the floor. I stopped and took a step forward. His hand suddenly shot up and a spiral flame hit me before I could think of blocking it. I once again crashed into the wall. Before I could get up though a bolt of yellow lightning struck me. I yelped in pain. I was on the floor now, attempting to catch my breath. I used air to lift myself off of the floor.

Out of no where the air that I had been using to keep myself off of the ground disappeared and I crumpled to the floor. "Why?! Why the hell are you so strong? How come they affect me this much?" I yelled out in frustration. I heard him chuckle and that only fed my anger. "And why the fuck are you laughing damn it?!" His chuckle turned into a full laugh. "Lucy, Lucy, I'm surprised that the Queen of The Dragons hasn't realized it yet. I have inserted poison  into every single one of my attacks."

Poison? How did I not notice? That means that since I haven't purified the poison, its been running through my body's system this whole time which explains why I have weakened so much...
"Also since all of your strength comes from your magic I will give myself and advantage." The poison was almost completely out of my system when I felt drained of energy. "A majority of your magic will no longer be available to you. For 24 hours that is, but in 24 hours you will either be dead or mine. So what does that matter?"

I forced myself on my feet again. I let out a giggle. He looked at me with that fucking smirk of his back in place. "Its been years since I've carried such a small amount of magical energy. I'm sure you don't know this but I have to make sure that I keep the magic that my body stores in check. If I don't keep watch on it my body would fall apart due to the amount of magical energy. I am also assisted by my limiters. Although, Mei has helped me and she carries a vast amount of energy in her body that is transferred from mine. That's why she can also use magic, and healing is her specialty." "That doesn't matter to me Lucille." "Don't call me by that disgusting name." "My dear,you have no right to talk to me like that in MY guild. Or should I say our guild? You do realize that I named this guild after you right? You know my father used to call you Lucifer, the devil itself. Although, I saw you more as Lucille, you were my angel."

''I was never yours. The only reason I knew who you were was because your father helped me train along with Ryu, Haruto, Kazuki, Akira, and Izumi. We became friends with Arata but you were always distanced from us us but always watching. You made the wrong move when you suddenly attacked us. You even killed your own father. You're the devil. Not me. You made my family suffer so much. You almost killed them right in front of me. But you did manage to kill Daisuke. The dragon that had come to save us. You slayed him with a sadistic smile on your face." "Hm. You're right, I did do that. But I did more. I made you mine." His face had contorted into a truly frightening smile. I involuntarily flinched at his words. "You did. You god damn bastard. You took me by force and made me yours. You ruined me!" I reached up to my left eye and ripped the patch off. I blinked my eye a few time so it would get accustomed to the lighting. I could feel magic energy running through my veins. The little amount I had left would have to suffice. I was hit with a blast of water but I continued to talk.

"We barely managed to escape. My friends' lives were hanging by a thread and you had ran away with Arata and Chiyo. Chiyo was Arata's childhood friend so you knew she would leave with you if you took Arata. You nearly killed your brother when he tried to stop you and tried to save me. He risked his life for me and suffered a lot. Chiyo did too. She also tried to stop you from doing what you did. You corrupted their minds. Once I broke a seal that had been placed on me I was able to heal us all. I fell into a forced comatose state for 7 months. You took those 7 months away from me. I hate you." My right hand traveled down to my whip and my left hand to my key pouch. Since he drained most of my energy I couldn't summon spirits the required a vast amount of it. The keys that were there were my golden zodiac keys and the original amount of silver keys I had 4 years ago. I smirked.

These were my strongest spirits after all. I share special bonds with all of them and I've known them all longer. I pulled out 3 keys. "I can still use my original magic. Open! Gate of the Lion, Leo! Open! Gate of the maiden, Virgo! Open! Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!" There were 3 poofs and then I saw that my spirits were already running forward to attack. I cracked my whip and ran forward. Virgo disappeared underground. Taurus was already swinging his axe at Taiga. I was running in sync with Loke as we prepared our attacks. Taiga fell when the floor beneath him caved in. I jumped down to where he had landed a floor down. When my whip was about to make contact on his body, mine stopped moving.


A/N: I'm sorry for taking so long to update! As promised this chapter is 1,400+ words, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try not to take too long before updating again! Who saw the whole James thing coming? I hope you like the story line so far. I also hope you like the reason why Lucy hates Taiga. As for Taiga, he fell in love with Lucy but in a twisted way. Also he killed and did heavy damage to people she cares about which is why she despises him. Please leave your thoughts in the comments! Thank you for your follows, comments and votes!

The revenge of Lucy HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now