The Games ~Part 1~

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I wonder what the event will be today. "Today the event will be Pandemonium! Here you can prove your strength! Four years ago Erza Scarlet defeated all of the monsters, this year we will have 500! The participants are: Jenny from Blue Pegasus! Rufus from Sabertooth! Kagura from Mermaid Heel! Nullpudding from Raven Tail! Lyon from Lamia Scale! Erza from Fairy Tail A! Lucy from Fairy Tail B! Jäger from Quatro Cerberus! You know the rules good-luck Kapo!" With that he disappeared. Oh right I'm up! "Good luck Luce! Do your best Lulu-san! Kick their ass Lu! C'mon Lulu! You can take 'em Lu!" I nodded and walked off. I was wondering where the exceeds went off to since they didn't wish me luck. Oh well! When I reached the arena Erza reached out to hug me. Good thing I noticed soon enough and I stepped to the side. She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at me "What happened to you Lucy?" "You happened to me Erza. You and everyone else." I saw her eyes widen and she tried to step closer to me. "Now Erza this is a competition. So please do be professional and leave me be." With that I turned around and grabbed a number. It read 1. I really paid no attention to anything else since I already knew what I was going to do. "Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail B, how many monsters will you fight?" I smirked "I will fight all 500 monsters." "Th-that's impossible!" "I wish to fight 500 and that is final can we please continue I would like to get this over with already." "A-as you wish." He then stepped aside to let me go through. 500 monsters in there right? Maybe I could use magic from here... Ah! I'll use my keys, I don't want them to see my other magic yet.


 Everyone in the arena went quiet as Lucy stepped forward, that is besides Erza, "Lucy stop! You can't do that you might get hurt, its too much for you!" Lucy paused mid-step and turned around "So you're still calling me weak Titania? I'll prove you wrong." With that she grabbed a platinum key and chanted "Open gate to the heavenly Gods, Zeus!" Her left eye remained gold while her guild mark changed to pink, it would do this each time she casted magic, while her eye would change to the magic's color. A giant man wearing a white toga and holding a thunderbolt. He bowed "How may I be of help Lucy?" "Zeus there are 500 monsters ranging with different strengths, please destroy them all." "As you wish." He threw his weapon to the top of the tower and an immense amount of negative energy circled around it until a vast amount of lightning struck the tower killing all 500 monsters with one hit. "Thank you Zeus you may return." In a poof the God had disappeared. Everyone suddenly broke out in cheers. While the other teams whispered among themselves. Lucy turned to Mato "I am done." "Y-yes, Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail B has defeated all 500 monsters in the event Pandemonium gaining 10 points for her team!" She nodded and started walking back to her team. Leaving Erza lost in thought on how Lucy was able to summon such a spirit without seeming to lose magical energy. While with the Rest of Fairy Tail, "How did Lucy do that? That was a God! I didn't even know keys like that existed! She really has gotten stronger I am proud of my child..." They then brought out the MPF machine to rank everyone else. Erza ended up in 2nd. Kagura in 3rd. Rufus in 4th. Lyon in 5th. Jenny in 6th. Nullpudding in 7th, with Jäger in 8th.


Its funny really. Erza still doubts me. That should prove her wrong. When I reached our waiting area I was hugged by my team. "Lulu you did great! You totally showed who's boss!" I laughed "Yeah Akira I hope I did! Thanks guys, for congratulating me! Now its getting hard to breathe want to let go?" With that they all released me. "Haha, sorry Luce. You did amazing! I thought you would use a different type of magic though..." "Yeah Ryu I was thinking about it then I decided that I didn't want to reveal my other types of magic until the battles. Speaking of which they should be announcing them right about now." We all went turned to the mascot "Now that the event of the day has been completed we shall continue with the battles. We will start with Kagura vs Ren!" "Hm, I don't think I've seen them fight before. Watch this to see their techniques. Discover their weaknesses, it might come in handy during a battle or event." Before Ren could use his air magic Kagura used gravity against him and he was pinned against the floor. She didn't struggle to attack him with her sword. Ren fell unconscious rather quickly ending the first battle. The next 2 battles ended quickly as well with Bacchus defeating Toby and Gray surprisingly defeating Rufus again. We studied each and every technique they used so if we fought we could use it to our advantage.

I wonder which one of us will fight... "Now is Akira vs Flare!" I turned to Akira "I'll send you my memories of when I fought her through mind magic. I know you can win this Aki!" She nodded and I sent her the memories of when I fought Flare. I sat down with my team. Haru seemed nervous "Haru don't worry she can win this just keep and eye out for Raven Tail, that's how I lost against her last time." "You're right Lu. I have to trust that she'll win." Akira arrived to the center of the arena facing Flare. "So you are the one that hurt Lulu! You embarrassed her in front of everyone! I will defeat you for her." I smiled "Aki... Thank you!!" I sent her through telepathy. She turned and nodded with a smile on her face. "Violet head! You fight for blondie! I will defeat you for Raven Tail!" With that Flare charged forward sending her red flaming hair towards Akira who had her eyes closed. I know what she's doing, I helped her perfect it. Mind magic is bad but Dragon Slaying mind magic is a bitch for the opponents. It can be very painful so you have to control the level at which you use it. Flare suddenly stopped and fell to the floor on her knees when Akira opened her eyes.

Her eyes turned white with specs of blue. "Mind Dragon Slayer's illusion!" Flare started screaming out in pain. She was under and illusion only she could see because it was in her mind. The Mind Dragon Slayer's can go through people's memories and use them against them by replaying them under their control so if it was say a bad memory the dragon slayer can twist it and add to it to cause them pain. Mind magic could be quite painful, it was similar to Midnight's nightmare. So Flare really is in trouble and that wasn't even the most powerful spell. "Mind Dragon Slayer's ROAR!" Flare then stopped screaming. But was sent flying into the wall by an invisible force. She struggled to get up. "P-please stop." Aki turned her head and her now white and blue eyes widened. "Did you stop when you were hurting Lulu?! No you didn't! So now I'll make you regret ever making a fool out of her! Mind Dragon Slayers Painful Slumber!" Flare collapsed with her eyes open. Oh she was unconscious in a forced sleep but it was painful as hell. That's why her eyes are open even if she is in slumber. She would remain like that for only 30 minutes, Akira didn't use too much magic for it to last longer.  "Flare is down which means Akira is the winner! She gains 10 points for her team putting Fairy Tail B in the lead for the 1st day of the Grand Magic Games! Join us tomorrow for the 2nd day, Kapo!" With that the mascot left.

When Akira arrived I was the first to reach her so I pulled her into a bear hug. "You did great Aki! I'm so proud of  you! Thank you for standing up for me." She hugged me back "Anything for you Lulu!" Soon everyone else joined the hug. Soon we broke apart and I said "We should get going. I'm sure Master would want to celebrate for both of the teams but I'm not in the mood to see them, but you guys can join them if you want." "Nu-uh Lu we don't want to be with the people who hurt you." Haru said. Then Ryu spoke "Yeah plus we need to rest for tomorrow so it wouldn't be a good idea to drink either." They all nodded in agreement. "Okay then let's get to the hotel. Maybe the exceeds are there I haven't seen them-" "LUSHYYYYY!" I turned around to see 9 exceeds and Wendy and Romeo running towards us.

They tackled me to the floor "Lucy-san you did great! Yeah you've gotten strong Lucy-nee!" "Haha thanks guys. Mei where did you guys run off to?!" "Well we went to visit the other exceeds." "Oh well then that's fine. We're going to the hotel now. Wendy I think you guys should go with Fairy Tail to celebrate. We'll see you tomorrow." "Hai Lucy-san! See you tomorrow c'mon Romeo!" She grabbed his hand and ran off. I noticed Romeo was blushing. How cute! "Uh, Luce?" I turned around "Hm?" "Let's go?" "Oh right the hotel!" I saw them all sweat-drop. "Hey why don't we just walk? Crocus is really pretty in the afternoon." They slightly nodded a yes. So we walked back to the hotel. When we got there we each collapsed on our beds. I hugged Mei and dozed off to sleep thinking about tomorrow...

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