The Beggining of the Games

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I woke up when I felt Mei twisting and turning in my embrace. I opend my eyes and saw that my team was still asleep. I got up and opened the curtains, it was about 8 in the morning. Thanks to my sun magic I can tell time like that. The games start in an hour. In one hour our names will be announced. Fairy Tail will know that I have returned. Maybe I should make the silver tatoo turn pink when I cast magic? Yeah I'll do that. I chanted a spell and the Fairy Tail mark flashed pink then returned to silver. We should get ready. I'll get dressed then I'll wake them up. I decied that I would wear a gray strapless shirt with sleeves attached above my elbows the same color with black ruffles that end the sleeve. I accompanied it with a black skirt with my black boots. I let my hair down this time, as usual covering my eye. I looked at my reflection. Let's see if they remember me.

I walked out of the bathroom and decided I would wake up Mei. I then shook everyone awake. I didn't want to play jokes today. I stared out the window while the others were getting ready. Today the broken Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail would come out, and I wasn't planning on stopinng myslef from letting the sadness and pain get to me. I would destroy the competition today. Just like they destroyed me. No one not even my new family except Ryu knows this side of me. I can hide it until I fight them though. "Lucy?" I turned around and saw Mei looking at me. "Yes Mei?" "Are you okay? Your aura is different. "I'm fine just excited. Now since we're all done let's get going. Exceeds got to Fairy Tail team B's waiting stand. Go now so people won't be suspicious. Guys let's go eat now so we won't be seen the games start in 30 minutes so let's get going. Put your hoods on. Don't worry about the scent today." They nodded and the exceeds were already out the door. We walked to the hotel lobby and ate a light breakfast. It was time to go. We decided to walk there instead of teleport since they've never been to Crocus.

When we got there the games were about to begin so we rushed to our viewing/waiting stand. That's when the mascot showed up. "Welcome Fiore to the First day of The Grand Magic Games. Now le't announce our 8 teams! In 8th place Quatro Cerberus!" Quatro Cerberus walked out and got some applause. "In 7th place after they're four year penalty Raven Tail!" When Raven Tail walked out almost everything went silent. What is Flare doing here?! I thought she still in the Sun Village! I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kapo continued "In 6th palce we have Mermaid Heel!" The applause got louder. "Next in 5th place is Blue Pegasus!" A majority of women swooned when they walked out. "In 4th place we have Lamia Scale!" The crowd was gradually getting louder. "In 3rd place is Sabertooth!" Did Fairy Tail make it? I'm sure they did... "In second place our winners 4 years in a row... Fairy Tail A!!" The crowd went wild now. 4 years in a row huh? They will also win this year but my team will win. Fairy Tail A walked out waving and smiling. They make me sick.

I turned my attention to Kapo when people started whispering who had gotten first place. I saw Fairy Tail whispering as well. "These past teams are already known of so they do not need more introductions but the team that got first place only has one member who has competed in the Grand Magic Games. That was four years ago. This team is apart of a guild we have already inroduced." I smirked to myself as we began walking out. "In 1st place we have Fairy Tail B! Should we introduce the members of this team?" When he said that the audience cheered louder than before. I used my hearing to focus on what Fairy Tail was saying... "Aren't they the newcomers? Gramps! I thought there wasn't going to be another team! One of them used to be in our guild? Who is it? Why won't you answer us?! ENOUGH BRATS YOU WILL KNOW IN A MATTER OF SECONDS SO PAY ATTENTION!" I saw Mavis flash us a thumbs up.

"Alright we shall introduce the members of Fairy Tail B!! "First we have the mind Dragon Slayer Akira Kurusawa!" Akira removed her cloak and it fell to the floor. "Next we have the earth Dargon Slayer Izumi Nakamura!" She did the same thing as Akira. "Then we have another pair of shadow and light twin Dragon Slayers Haruto and Kazuki Akiyama!" They followed what the others did. I saw Sting and Rouge glare at them. "The water Dragon Slayer Ryu Yukimura!" Ryu shed his cloak but waited for me before stepping foward. Here I go! "Next we have a wizard we haven't seen in four years... Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail!" I removed my cloak and stepped foward with Ryu. I looked around and heard gasps. The crowd erpted into cheers and then they went on to state the rules.

I turned my attention when I heard "LUCE! LUCY ITS HER ITS LUCY!" Fairy Tail A along witha few others ran towards us. I smirked, I had expected this to happen. When they almost reached us they ran into something. Natsu spoke first "What are these Runes?! Luce please take these down I want to hug you I'm sorry for what I said all those years ago!" Next was Gray "Lucy please. I'm so sorry for what I said I really am!" Erza was next and she was in tears "Lucy you came back! Please let me hug you so I knowits really you! I miss you so much!" They were banging against the runes. I was walking towards them when someone asked "Freed or Levy can't you undo these?!"Levy was the one to respond "No, they're too strong! I can't even read them and neither can Freed! Lu-chan please open up! Please!" When I reached them they all stopped talking. "You all want to talk to me to hug me and to apologize?!"

They nodded. "Well guess what? Its too late. You lost me that day. Well most of you did at least. Wendy, Romeo, Charla, Lily, and Happy come here." I said and opened my arms. They all ran foward and went right through the barrier and into my arms. "Lucy-nee! Lucy-san! Lushyyy! Lucy!(Charla) Lucy!(Lily)!" I saw that they all had tears running down their faces. I laughed and hugged them tighter. "I'm sorry I  couldn't tell you sooner! Wendy you look so beautiful! Romeo so handsome! You exceeds don't change do you?!" I knew that my team was smiling while the rest of Fairy Tail looked surprised. "Luce why can they go through and not us?!" "Because I casted the runes to only allow them pass through it. I suggest you all go back the games will start soon and frankly I don't want to see your faces they're making me sick." They then looked at me wide eyed. I looked down "You too guys since you might want to cheer them on. Plus I'm sure they would mind if you stayed here. Come when you like though!" They nodded sadly and went past everyone else and to Fairy Tail viewing point. I saw them all smiling though.

I turned to look at the rest of them. "I'll put the runes down if you agree to leave right now." "Wait how did you learn my magic?" "Oh Freed this is my magic yours is nothing compared to mine. Besides it does not concern you. So should I remove them or not?" They nodded and I glanced back at my team they nodded as well. I knew what they were planning to do so I told my team about it. I removed the barrrier with a flick of my wrist. Team Natsu - Lisanna ran towards me but by the time they got to me their path was blocked off by five bodies. Ryu spoke "I beleive she said to return to your place. You even agreed so I suggest you leave." "Luce, why won't you let me be with you? Please?" "Go away Salamander I do not wish to talk to you." I replied. Haru spoke next, "You head her pinky." Eventually they walked away and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I put the runes back in place for backup if they tried again. I sat down and my family followed. I smiled and said "Let the games begin."

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