The Battle ~Part 2~

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I can't move.

I tried to turn around but ultimately failed to do so. Then I heard his voice. "Lucy, my dear Lucy. You never change do you?" I lowered my gaze to Taiga, seeing his smirk back in place. "What did you do?" I somehow managed to croak out. "The poison took longer to intoxicate your system than I thought it would." He got up the floor with ease. I tried to move once again but my muscles weren't obeying me. He was standing in front of me now. I flinched when his hand reached out and touched my skin.

His hands are so cold.

Not like Ryu's hands.


Or Natsu's.

I mentally shook my head, ridding myself of the memories that were bound to follow. Now is not the time to be thinking of the past.

You'll be okay. We're on our way, Luce.

My eyes widened in surprise. 

Ryu?! Ryu, is that you?

My attention drifted away from whatever it was that Taiga was saying and focused on the little amount of magical energy I had left to be able to speak telepathically. 

Don't be scared. We just left the guild and with out you with us we can't teleport. It'll take us a while until we can reach you. I don't know why you didn't let us know sooner, but that doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that your safe. 

How did you find out?

Mei let us know through telepathy, but that doesn't matter at the moment. 

I have to  break the seal.

Luce! You can't, you'd be risking your own life. You'd be using a plentiful amount of magical energy to break the seal and an even larger amount to cast the hidden magic that only the Queen can posses. You've never used it before. It could rip you apart.

That means nothing. All that matters is that I save everyone else and that Taiga won't any of them. Even if it means giving my life.

Lucy, don't do anything rash, please. Luce, we need you. Your family needs you. I need you.

My thoughts scattered when I felt my self being lifted off of the ground. It took a moment for me to register the pain from being lifted up from my hair. I didn't even have a second to think before I forcefully hit the wall. His right hand was still entangled in my blonde hair when he turned me around to face him. His left hand moved to my left cheek and began to caress it. I was going to lose consciousness any time soon. I didn't even have the ability to focus and break the seal. I shivered when I realized his face was getting close to mine.

A hand engulfed in flames came from no where and knocked Taiga off balance causing him to let go of me. "Don't touch her!" I fell to the floor with a 'thump' but managed to raise my head to see Natsu throwing punches and kicks at Taiga.

He saved me. Its just like old times.

Not much later Ice joined the fight and I saw how it moved in almost perfect sync with the flames. Well they have been fighting along side each other all these years.

I closed my eyes and focused. By the time I had gathered enough magic energy to break the seal I was heavily breathing and on the edge of passing out. "Royal Seal Break!" Instantly I could feel the pressure of magic that I had never felt before.

I snapped my eyes open and they were both glowing a golden color, somehow I just new that. The poison that had intoxicated my system had dispersed. I used the wall as support to stand up. I was a little shaky with my first steps. They eventually became grounded and soon enough I was sprinting towards Taiga, he was my target.

I'm sorry Ryu, everyone. I'm going to do it. Let's just hope I do this correctly.


A/N: I'm sorry I haven't been able to update! Some things happened and I wasn't able to but I'll be updating my other two stories by tomorrow and this one again by the end of the week. Please leave your thoughts in the comments! Thank you for your follows, comments, and votes! Until the next update!~

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