Preparing For The Return

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Its been 4 years since I left my old family Fairy Tail. I have a new family now. That consists of Ryu, Haru(Haruto), Kazu(Kazuki), Aki(Akira), and Izu(Izumi). I have also learned almost every type of magic that has ever existed.

Since we are all dragon slayers we each have our own exceeds. My exceed is dark blue with the tipof her ears, paws, and tail is white. Her eyes are gold and her name is Mei. Ryu has a light gray exceed named Sora he wears black pants daily and his eyes are blue. Kazu and Haru coincidentally have twin exceeds that are both emerald green and have black pants and eyes. Aki has a purple exceed named Kaami who has hazel eyes and wears dresses daily. Izumi's exceed was light brown and her eyes were green and she wore skirts and shirts.

All of them had mastered one type of dragon slaying magic and telepathy. That way when we get to Fairy Tail we can make a team of pure Dragon Slayers. The telekineses is so we can communicate with eachother at all times. Haru and Aki were a couple and so were Izu and Kazu. Ryu and I were the only ones who weren't in a relationship. Tomorrow we are leaving the Dragon Realm and going back to Earthland. There I will rejoing Fairy Tail and so will they. There we will be one of the teams attending the Grand Magic Games since now the teams can have six per team.

I wonder how they will react when they see me again. I've changed a bit ne? My hair was still blonde but it looked gold now. It reached my waist and my bangs still covered my left eye that was permanently gold now. I felt like I had to hide it because besides beung gold it changed colors when I used magic. My clothing consisted of dark colors. I no longer wore bright colors.

I've also learned to shut out my emotions. Only my closest friends new the real me. They were the only ones who could genuinely make me smile and laugh. Right now we were all packing for our return to Earthland. Virgo was helping me of course. In a minute she was done. "I have finished so I will be taking my leave now Princess." "Very well arigatou Virgo!"

I saw a poof and she was gone, then to my surprise there was another poof and Loke appeared. "Lucy, tomorrow you return after these 4 years." "Yeah Loke after 4 years I'm going back home. But this time I will be there with my true nakama." "Do you think you'll be fine?" "I'm not who I used to be Loke. I'm not weak anymore. Besides they won't know it's me until the Games. So don't worry about it my overprotective Lion." He surprisingly blushed and reached out and pulled me into a hug.

At that moment Ryu and the twins walked in. "Oh, look its the kitty." I think Haru said that. I escaped Loke's embrace and looked at the boys. "Are you three done already?" "Mhm." They all responded. "Loke don't worry about me I'll be fine. Tell Aries I said hello..." Before I could finish he returned to the spirit world. "Haha I wish they would just confess  to each other! Don't tell me you three are jealous?" They visibly blushed but just grunted.

"Oh c'mon what would Akira and Izumi say if they saw you two blushing! Why are you also blushing Ryu?" The twins paled while Ryu turned a deeper shade of red. I think my laughter reached the girls' room because they entered next. "Lulu what's going on?" Aki questioned. "Oh nothing just teasing your boyfriendsss~. Oh and Ryu too!" Izumi and Akira blushed and I fell into another lauging fit.

After about five minutes I stopped. "I love seeing you all blush~" "Yeah you make fun of us but what about you and Ryu-san huh?" Izumi exclaimed. Crap! I'm blushing. Ryu is blushing too. Now the twins and their girlfriend's began to laugh. When I shot them a glare they stopped. "Did you say something Izu?" "N-no I didn't Lulu-san." They all cowered a bit. "Okay then off to sleep! Tomorrow we are going to Fairy Tail. So we need to rest up!" They all nodded and went to their rooms.

I went to my desk and read the letter I wrote exactly 4 years ago, when I left Fairy Tail. I felt tears prickle my eyes. I haven't cried once in the past 2 years but just knowing that I would return made my vision blur with tears. Before I realized it I was sobbing and shaking. Good thing Mei was a deep sleeper.  I remember the day that I left. Maybe I could forgive the rest of the guild but not them.

Not Team Natsu. Team Natsu. They killed a part of me that day. The love that I had felt for them all. They broke my heart. Its thanks to my friends that my heart was put back together. Mostly because Ryu was always there to cheer me up and he would get me to smile. As if he new I was thinking about him he pulled me into a hug and carried me to the bed. I just hugged him back. "I know its hard Luce. Your going back to the place where you were betrayed. Just know that I'll be by your side the whole time along with everyone else." He pulled my chin up and looked directly into my eyes.

"Lucy, I will always be there by your side. You brought me out of the black hole that my life was since my father disappeared. Then I met you and you took me to my father again. My world was once again filled with light and that's thanks to you Luce." My eyes widened. "Ryu the same goes for you. For a year I never had someone else to talk to besides the Dragons. Then I met you in Hargeon. It was like fate. Since I met you I was able to open up again to another human. You made me realize that not all humans would turn their back on me. I know you will always be by my side Ryu. Thank you so much for that."

When I realized that our lips were just inches away and that he was closing off those gew inches I closed my eyes. I had grown to realize that Ryu had made his way into my heart the way that Natsu had made his way there as well. Natsu... Even through all of the pain he caused me. He's still there in my heart.  I snapped my eyes open again when I heard Mei shift in her bed.

Ryu stopped and moved back with a blush on his face. When he was going to get up I grabbed his arm. "Ryu don't leave. Stay with me please." "Of course Luce. I wasn't planning on leaving you. Like I said I'll always be by your side." I smiled as he got under the covers and hugged my waist. I was facing his chest my tears long gone. I quickly dozed off in Ryu's embrace. I would return to Magnolia tomorrow. But my family would be with me...

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