Chapter 79 Fresh Starts

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The sky is a bright blue, taken over by numerous clouds. The sun shines kissing my skin, the smell of salt water enters my nostrils. Men and women walk around the beach digging their feet in the warm sand, playing in the ocean laughing and smiling.

  "Cam, babe?" He says from behind me. "Come back to bed." He whines. Events from last night play back into my mind, causing me to shiver.

  "You should leave...I have to get to work." I say without looking back at him as I continue to stand on the balcony.

  "Fine, I'll see ya later then?" He asks throwing his clothes and jacket on, grabbing his keys.

  " go." I wave him off, which we are both used to. Charlie and I have a strange relationship, we like and hate each other. No there is no "loving" in this relationship, I have learned my lesson-I'm not getting into that, it won't end pretty.

Charlie and I aren't exactly lovers, but anytime he gets bored he comes to me. We don't do anything, I just kiss him as in full on making out then he stays the night, I am and never will be a whore. 

I shake my head walking to my shower which is connected to my room. The warm water sprinkles onto my tense body, relaxing my bones.

After my shower I can't help but wonder what would've happened if him and I stay-no no shut up Cam! These days have been harder since these are the exact days and moments that we spent together. I know what you are thinking it has been two fucking years, aren't you over him. My answer is yes and no, there is me who forgets him but a small part holds him, probably the part in my heart that has him tattooed.

Dressing in a short pencil skirt and a white blouse, along with black pumps makes me feel professional and seem older-that is what I usually wear to work, and maybe sometimes pants, or a nice dress-depends on my mood.

I have moved to Los Angeles since..the incident between him and I. Waking up to the sun shining through the blinds, along with the warm temperatures tops it! I love it here, I had lived here when I was a child but moved soon after due to my father. My father is now in jail thanks to my mother and I confessing the abuse and hatred that he made us endure for too many years, along with stalking.

As I walk down the street to my car, I earn a couple of "wolf whistles" from random men.

  "Where you off to, baby?" One of them ask.

  "Work, something that you need." I smirk, wink at him then roll my eyes laughing as I get into my car. His friends start laughing at him, patting his back and friendly punching him.

As you can see I have become comfortable and more independent in my skin. After having numerous amounts of counseling sessions, and writing down my feelings I have grown more mature and my innocence has fully left.

My mother has married Mr. Harris or Romeo...nice name right? He is the sweetest stepfather anyone could ask for, but the most important thing is that he respects and cares for my mother-something my father never did. My mother lives with him now, they have moved to a different neighborhood, I will miss that house but am excited to see the new one. Mr. Harris well Romeo is "rich" I guess so the house is probably huge and magnificent.

The drive to work is fast, driving there everyday is never a hassle since it is only a five minute drive from my house. I work as a "paying" intern for a radio station, one that is very popular, called 88.3 smooch fm. I know it sounds weird but it is the greatest radio station ever, celebrities everywhere come for interviews! I have met tons of them and took pictures and most of them are surprisingly kind.

  "Cam good morning." Tom the guy at the front desk says to me with a polite smile.

  "Good morning to you too Tom, how are you today?" He nods and takes a sip out of his coffee, handing me mine. "Thank you." I say and walk away drinking my coffee.

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