Chapter 89

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  "Excuse me, I'm looking for a Harry Styles?" I tell the man at the front desk of where I was told Harry works.

  "Ah, yes Mr. Styles. One moment please." He smiles picking his phone up typing in numbers. "Mr. Styles? Yes I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a lovely young lady here to see you." He pauses as if to wait for Harry's answer. It sounds weird to hear someone call Harry Mr. Styles. "Take the elevator to the top floor then his office is on the seventh door to your right." He warmly smiles.

After the dream or vision I had I knew I had to find Harry and at least talk to him about us. If he doesn't want me I at least need him to be in my life in some sort of way.

As I walk down the right of the long hallway, I admire the gold trimming along the walls. Plaques and certificates cover the walls beside the door of the specific person. Flowers are placed in the corners of the walls, a gigantic window is at the end of the hall beside Harry's door. I take a second to look at the window holding onto the wooden rail, I watch as expensive looking cars pass by.

I turn to Harry's door and a thin plaque holds the name *Mr. Harry Edward Styles* I laugh at how weird that would sound if I had to call him that. I shake my head at my sudden childish thoughts, while holding the wall as I break out in laughter.

  "Uh...Cam?" I turn around to be met with Nora looking at me weird. I tuck a loose strand behind my ear, feeling my cheeks slightly heat in embarrassment. "You alright?" She says with amusement in her voice and sort of scoffing at me.

  "Y-Yeah I just had a moment, I thought of something funny." I say back to her. I cant help but to feel jealous as she closes Harry's door behind her fixing her loose, messy ponytail. I bite my tongue to hopefully stop myself from saying something hurtful towards her, which is something I really want to do right now! I know I shouldn't worry about Harry's affairs with other women, especially his own 'girlfriend', but I still have feelings for him.

  "Right.." She holds the last part dramatically, annoying me. "Well, Harry is in a meeting so I suggest you come back later." She smirks at me and I just really want to strangle her. "As for me I gotta run, Cynthia needs me to model new lingerie. Tata!" She says running down the hall, waving her hand in the air as if to wave to me. Just as she turns the corner I put my middle finger up, and wave it around.

 Harry is in a meeting? The guy downstairs didn't say anything about a meeting...was Nora lying? I don't want to bother him, but I also don't want to miss a second of where I can talk to him.

I take a deep breath then twist the door knob barging in the room. harry sits in his chair spinning around resembling a five-year-old in a 'big boy' chair. I don't make a sound but instead sit in the corner where a chair is and admire him from afar. His hair swoops around as he spins and as usual he looks perfect. His black shirt is unbuttoned showing off his white t-shirt underneath, his sleeves are pushed up to the inside of his elbows. His tie is loose on his neck and his shoes are beside his desk, his arms are flinging in the air as he spins. I hold my giggling in as he starts to hum to a child song that I used to sing when I was a young girl. He stops spinning so that the back of the chair is now faced towards me, I move closer and an hallucination of wings showing out from the chair appear. Harry stares out the giant window pondering something or just blankly staring out it.

  "Cam I know that you are here." He says making me jump out of the small chair. "I can sense you, not in a creepy way though." He says with the slightest of amusement. He turns around in his chair smirking at me, licking his lips. "What are you doing here?" He says in his normal Harry-like tone, husky, raspy, and soft.

  "I wanted to talk." I say I want to say more but I'm lost for words at his appearance, my brain not working the way it was a minute ago. He looks at me confused but amusement in his eyes, obviously holding in a chuckle.  "You know...about us." I say bowing my head for a moment while squeezing my eyes shut afraid of rejection, but when I open my eyes and pick my head up he is nodding his head a signal for me to continue. "Well, how are you?" I ask embarrassed.

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings for You 2 (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now