Chapter 88 Dream or Vision?

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 *Please listen to the songs they will bring the chapter to life*

(Young and Beautiful Lana Del Rey

    Cannonball LittleMix)

"Cam..." A whisper is hear from the distance but is still ringing through my ears. "Why don't you love me anymore? I've always loved you, I just said differently." The voice is hoarse and hard to make out.

  "W-Who are you?...W-Where are you?" I ask my voice hardly audible, my throat hurting from every word I speak. The figure appears from the darkness dressed in black, gray wings spread from behind. A Dark Angel? The face and other characteristics are covered by the darkness. "Come into the light." I say softly.

Right as the figure steps into the light a loud hiss is heard making me jump in fright. I watch as the figure shines a flash light on me, my eyes squint as darkness takes over my surroundings and the only light is the flashlight.

  "Why dont you love me?" The voice cries out again. "I've always adored you, I still adore you!" I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my chest causing me to fall onto my knees. I bow my head holding my chest, squeezing my eyes shut. The bright white light returns and surrounds me, as if to comfort me. I raise my head to see that the figure has stepped into the light. A hood covers the head along with the face.

  "R-Rem-move y-your." I hiss in pain. "h-hood-d." Hands grab the hood and pull it down behind him, also removing the cloak. I gasp at the pain but also the face that my eyes have encountered. "H-Har-ry? It's y-you?" I hiss and sob. He smirks but when he takes a look at me his eyes become glossy and the smirk turns into a frown. Wide and gigantic gray angelic wings spread behind him, he wears a black loose tanktop along with black skinny jeans and boots.

  "The pain that you are feeling is a broken heart, something I have been familiar with for two long damned years! While you forgot about me and how I treated you. I made you believe that everything was a lie but in reality it wasn't it never actually was, and for that I will spend my life pure darkness while you watch me in the bright light." He says softly making my heart break with each word. I hold my chest as I feel my heart breaking literally, making me shriek. "I'm sorry that you have to feel this but it is what I had to endure." He has it all wrong he doesn't even know that I have been tortured by not having him in my life.

I try to open my mouth but it doesnt open when I try. I want to tell him how i felt and how I feel without him in my life. I always believed that his love was fake that it all wasn't real, but maybe he just led me to thinking that. He never was able to fully love me or show me but most of his words said otherwise. Maybe he did love me and just didn't know how to express his feelings with everything else. 

  "Will you answer me?!" He shouts making me cower. His eyes turn from a dark green to a soft glowing one. "D-Don't be afraid of me, you're to beautiful to have a deep scowl on your face." He bends down and caresses my cheek making me flinch at first causing him to move his hand. I take a deep breath then nod, he returns his hand to my cheek slowly this time I don't flinch but instead close my eyes to his soft touch. "I still love you...I hope you realize that. This-This isn't choice to have you endure this pain but I did have a choice to say yes or no." He smirks then lowers his head. He stands back up and I take the time to admire his features. He looks perfect as always taking my breath away, making me smile and causing a small hot tear fall.

I try to say something, anything! But my throat is dry and hurting with every try. A strange noise is all that comes from me, along with a loud sob. If only I knew a way to make him understand me, something he also never knew how to do...understand me.

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings for You 2 (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now